If you think
you have seen pesticides being misused, take photos or video recordings if
possible and keep detailed records of what occurred.
Report the
incident to the EPA’s Environment Line by phoning 131
555 as soon as
possible. All reports are confidential.
When reporting
the incident, provide information such as
- date, time and exact location of the
affected area
- duration of the event
- weather conditions (wind, temperature, humidity)
at the time of the event
- what you have experienced
- description of the operator and any contact
details about the person you suspect of pesticide misuse
- symptoms of harm to people, plants or animals
- name or type of pesticide, if known
- how the pesticide was applied, for example by
air, knapsack, tractor or truck
- to what crop or plants it was applied, or in what
situation, for example, termite treatment
- description of spray equipment such as colour,
size, type and registration numbers
- ways in which the spray equipment was being
used, including the exact location and the direction and speed of movement
- names and contact details of any other witnesses
- any photographs or video recordings of the
- details of any notification provided before
pesticide application such as signs, letters or telephone calls advising of the
pesticide use
If practical
and safe
- try not to wash sprayed vehicles, windscreens or
- consider not harvesting or grazing a crop or
pasture that you believe has been affected by pesticides
These may be important as evidence of misuse. EPA-authorised
officers will assess the situation (by telephone or visit) and take
samples if appropriate.
Please note for health reasons if people have been sprayed,
they should shower immediately. Do not refrain from washing yourself if others
under any circumstances.
The EPA may also ask you to preserve certain evidence such
as dead organisms.