Farming and production horticulture

If you use pesticides on a farm, in a market garden or for production horticulture, you must undertake special training, use and dispose of all pesticides safely, and keep proper records. The guidance on this page will help you use pesticides without harming the environment or human health.

Using pesticides safely and legally

  • Print out the A2 poster, Use pesticides safely (PDF 275KB) as an easy reminder of ways to minimise risks of using pesticides
  • Get a laminated version of the A2 poster or obtain a DVD by phoning the EPA’s Environment Line on 131 555 or emailing

For language assistance, contact the Telephone Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450

You do not need a licence to use pesticides in your agricultural activities or amenity horticulture purposes. This includes using aluminium phosphide tablets or chloropicrin to control invertebrate and vertebrate pests.

However, if you are applying pesticides from an aircraft (including remotely piloted aircraft or helicopter) you do need a licence. 

You must also undertake the required training to use pesticides

People who use pesticides in agricultural operations and other occupations must complete training every 5 years, unless they are liable for an exemption because they only use small amounts of pesticides occasionally.

People who use pesticides in agricultural operations and other occupations need to keep records each time they use a pesticide. There is no legal form, format or design for keeping records.

Download a sample record keeping form (PDF 46KB) if you do not want to design your own.

Download record keeping fact sheets for

Voluntary notification principles apply for pesticides users on farms.

You must inform neighbours of your intent to spray pesticides from an aircraft

It is common courtesy to inform your neighbours when you intend to spray pesticides. Use best practice measures to avoid spray drift.

Find out more.

Information on the ChemClear program.

The EPA issues pesticide control orders for certain high risk pesticides to more specifically regulate their use or application. Note that if you use pindone or 1080, you must undertake special training. Find out more about applying 1080.

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