Register of Crown forestry investigations

View the register of EPA investigations into native forestry operations in Crown forests.

Previously we reported only on investigations that were in response to a community report. We are now reporting on all Crown forestry investigations.

The stages of an investigation are:

  • Under Investigation: the EPA is investigating the matter, collecting evidence to determine if a breach has occurred.
    Investigation timeframes include both collection of evidence and legal review.
  • Prosecution Commenced: the case is with the courts for a ruling or for sentencing. This category only applies to matters for prosecution.
  • Investigation Completed: the investigation has been finalised and an outcome reached or recommended.

Current Investigations 

Last updated 20 November 2023 

Investigation Title 

Investigation Stage 

Date Investigation Commenced 

Allegation Category 

Bulga State Forest 

Under Investigation 

October 2023 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Flat Rock State Forest 

Under Investigation 

November 2023 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Orara West State Forest 

Under Investigation 

June 2023 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Orara East State Forest 

Under Investigation 

June 2023 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Doubleduke State Forest 

Under Investigation 

April 2023 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 

Styx River 

Under Investigation 

November 2023 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 

Tallaganda State Forest 

Under Investigation 

August 2023 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Nadgee  State Forest 

Under Investigation 

22 March 2022 

Alleged damage to a tree retention clump 


Nadgee State Forest 


Under Investigation 


29 November 2022 

Alleged breaches of the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (CIFOA) 


Currowan State Forest 


Under investigation 


August 2022 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 


Bago State Forest 


Under investigation 


December 2022 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 

Benandarah State Forest 

Under Investigation 

27 March 2023 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 

Shallow Crossing State Forest 

Under Investigation 

27 March 2023 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 

South Brooman State Forest 

Under Investigation 

27 March 2023 

Alleged breaches of the CIFOA 

Clouds Creek State Forest 

Under Investigation 

March 2023 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Wedding Bells State Forest 

Under investigation 

 December 2022 

 Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Mogo 174A 

Prosecution Commenced 

April 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Mogo 146A 

Under investigation 

January 2022 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Bagawa State Forest BGW001 

Under investigation 

February 2023 

 Alleged soil erosion and/or water pollution 

Wild Cattle Creek 32, 33, 34 

Prosecution commenced 

July 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Yambulla State Forest 299A 

Prosecution commenced 

October 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Completed Investigations 

Investigation Title 

Date Investigation Commenced 

Allegation Category 


Date Completed 

Coopernook State Forest 

December 2021 

Alleged damage to environmentally significant area 

Enforceable Undertaking 

8 November 2023 

Currowan 502A 

January 2022 

Alleged breach of tree retention requirements 

Advisory letter issued 

13 July 2023 

Shallow Crossing 211A 

 January 2023

Incursions into threatened species exclusion zone 

Penalty notice issued 

 7 August 2023

Conglomerate State Forest 

May 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Official caution, advice and advisory letters issued 

17 January 2023 

East Boyd Timbillica State Forest 

August 2022 

Alleged breach of road and track crossing conditions 

Advisory letter issued 

11 November 

Tomerong State Forest 1199 

October 2019 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 


5 December 2022 

South Brooman 58A – Part 2 

6 October 2020  

Alleged felling of 1 hollow bearing trees after re-commencement of harvest operations (post SWO)  

Penalty notice issued to FCNSW   

23 June 2022 

Dampier State Forest 

May 2019 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

FCNSW were convicted of 3 charges, ordered to pay fines of $230,000 and the EPA's costs of $8,000 

23 June 2022 

Wild Cattle Creek  Cpts. 537 539 540 and 548 

December 2018 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

FCNSW were convicted of 4 charges, ordered to pay fines of $135,600 and the EPA’s costs of $150,000 

9 June 2022 

Lower Bucca State Forest 8-14 CIFOA 

June 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Official Caution and advisory letter issued to FCNSW 

19 April 2022 

Lower Bucca State Forest 8-14 CIFOA 

June 2020 

Alleged issues identified relating to operational planning requirements 

Discontinued. Closed out with correspondence 

19 April 2022 

Forestry Corp of NSW – Norwood Western Land Lease 

May 2021 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Discontinued due to lack of evidence 

7 April 2022 

Forestry Corp of NSW – Woodmount Western Land Lease 

May 2021 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Discontinued due to lack of evidence 

10 March 2022 

Mogo 161, 173A, 174 

August 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

3 penalty notices issued to FCNSW 

21 December 2021 

Yambulla S.F, Cpts 345A, 350A, 355A, 357A. CIFOA -SSC 

22 July 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Advisory letter written. 

3 August 2021 

Bago 47A 

October 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Advisory letter written. 

16 November 2020 

Styx River State Forest 

29 October 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Formal warning issued. 

20 January 2021 

Wild Cattle Creek State Forest -Compartments 551, 552 and 553 -old IFOA 

27 February 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Advisory letter written. 

2 February 2021 

Olney erosion control 

23 April 2020 

Alleged soil erosion and/or water pollution 

Official caution issued. 

3 September 2020 

Olney exclusion zone breach 

23 April 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Penalty notice issued. 

16 February 2021 

South Brooman Compartment 58A (Part 1) 

June 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Discontinued due to lack of evidence. 

2 May 2022 

Kalateenee State Forest, South Kempsey 

22 May 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Discontinued due to lack of evidence. 

16 February 2021 

Girard State Forest -Compartment 456 

21 February 2020 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Advisory Letter issues 

4 June 2021 

Bodalla State Forest, Boyne State Forest and Mogo State Forest (Swift Parrots) 

24 July 2019 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Two penalty notices issued and three official cautions issued to FCNSW. 

1 March 2021 

Ballengarra State Forest 

21 August 2019 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Two penalty notices and an official caution issued to FCNSW. 

26 February 2021 



Contravene requirement of integrated forestry operations approval 

Penalty Notice 

21 April 2020 



Contravene requirement of integrated forestry operations approval 

Penalty Notice 

21 April 2020 

Orara East 565 566 

November 2018 

Alleged damage to habitat of threatened species and/or ecological communities 

Two penalty notices issued 

7 January 2020 

Page last updated 20 November 2023