Compliance blitz to focus on pesticide misuse in the Hearnes Lake Catchment

Inspectors will target the misuse of pesticides at horticulture farms in the Hearnes Lake Catchment Area, near Coffs Harbour, when the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) performs widespread inspections this June.

Inspectors will target the misuse of pesticides at horticulture farms in the Hearnes Lake Catchment Area, near Coffs Harbour, when the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) performs widespread inspections this June.

The EPA aims to ensure local growers use pesticides correctly to prevent pesticide runoff and impacts on local waterways and aquatic life.

EPA Director of Regulatory Operations Steve Orr said it was critical for growers to use pesticides responsibly to keep the local environment healthy.

“Our officers will focus on pesticide use, storage, record keeping and wastewater management. Anyone found using pesticides incorrectly may face regulatory action,” Mr Orr said.

The EPA will be presenting at a meeting held by Oz Group Co Op, the local berry growers cooperative, in July and will be working with industry groups to help educate farmers about their obligations and compliance required when using pesticides.

Nine horticultural properties in the catchment were previously inspected in December last year after pesticides were found in samples taken from local waterways.

Following these inspections, two growers were issued penalty notices of $8,250 each for the pollution of waterways caused by poor wastewater management and for using a pesticide contrary to label instructions.

Both growers were also issued two official cautions for failure to comply with pesticide record keeping and training requirements.

If growers need more information about using pesticides correctly, they can call the EPA’s Environment Line on 131 555.

A person convicted of wilfully or negligently using a pesticide in a manner that harms any non-target animal or plant can be fined up to $120,000 for an individual or $250,000 for a corporation.

Water quality is important to both human health and the environment. If anyone has information on the misuse of pesticides, please contact the EPA on 131 555.