Strategy and reporting

EPA strategic publications, reports and statements.

Lake Burrendong
The Strategic Plan describes how we will act to deliver effective stewardship for the NSW environment and human health and outlines our ambition for achieving positive outcomes over the next five years and beyond.
Views across the Illawarra from Mt Keira including steel industry
Our Regulatory Framework sets out why and how we regulate, describes the elements of our framework and who we work with to improve outcomes for the environment and our communities.
Inlet at Jervis Bay, Jervis Bay National Park
Every year we identify projects for focused and coordinated compliance action; part of our proactive response to critical issues and emerging risks to the environment and our community.
Snow gum overhanging Thredbo River, along the Dead Horse Gap track

The Annual Report summarises our performance, achievements, activities, operations and financial statements of the preceding financial year.

EPA field officer testing water quality, Sandy Beach

We release the NSW State of the Environment every 3 years. It describes the health of our environment – our land, water, air and ecosystems, and urban environment, at a state-wide level.

Pink flannel-flower, Blue Mountains National Park

The Statement has been developed to be consistent with the framework established by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.