Review of NSW Forest Agreements and Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals

The NSW Government conducted a review to assess the implementation of the NSW Forest Agreements, and the effectiveness of the Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOAs) in achieving their purpose.

A review of NSW forest agreements and IFOAs for the upper north east, lower north east, Eden and southern regions was conducted in 2010.

The review report was exhibited in November 2010 and brought together expert advice, technical information, public feedback and previous annual progress reports.

The report

  • highlighted important achievements made over the first 10 years of the agreements and IFOAs
  • provided a status update on delivery of key milestones under the four agreements
  • recommended 63 changes to the licence and non-licence components of the IFOAs to clarify and simplify conditions, and improve operational efficiency and environmental outcomes

Outcomes of the review

Twenty one submissions were received in response to the report, from conservation groups, the forest industry and its associations, and individuals.

The Outcomes from the Review of the NSW Forest Agreements and the Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals report (PDF 557KB) 

  • summarised the key messages from the submissions
  • identified issues that required further consideration
  • provided the outcomes of the review

A number of amendments were made to the IFOAs as a consequence of the review. Amendments are available on the IFOA webpages.

The IFOAs for the upper north east, lower north east, southern and Eden regions are being remade into one Coastal IFOA, which is efficient, effective and enforceable, and reflects modern best-practice regulation.

Review of ecologically sustainable management criteria and indicators

Ecologically sustainable forest management (ESFM) means managing forests so they are sustained in perpetuity for the benefit of society. The NSW forest agreements identify a system for monitoring and reporting on ESFM in NSW that uses criteria and indicators consistent with international best practice.

A review of the ESFM criteria and indicators was completed in November 2015. The revised criteria and indicators are outlined in Revised ESFM Criteria and Indicators November 2015 (PDF 643KB).

For more information on the review, contact Environment Line on 131 555 or email [email protected].