Contacts for noise pollution

Where noise pollution (combined with another form of pollution) causes or threatens material harm to the environment, a number of authorities must be notified - see duty to notify.

Members of the public wishing to report or inquire about noise pollution should contact the organisation responsible for its regulation, as set out below.

Noise sourceContact
Industrial/commercial noise
Transport noise
Construction noise
Public sporting and entertainment venues
Neighbourhood noise
Large industrial complexesEPA Environment Line: 131 555
Smaller factories and backyard workshopsLocal council
Commercial premises - ventilation, air conditioning, refrigerationLocal council
Most pubs, clubs or licensed premises - loud music or patron noise
Liquor & Gaming NSW
1300 024 720
Email [email protected]
Aircraft in flight, taxiing, taking off and landingNational Noise Inquiry Line: 1300 302 240

Noisy motor vehicles (including trail bikes) in a public place, such as:

  • roads, verges and car parks
  • off road, including parks and reserves

EPA Environment Line: 131 555

Police Assistance Line: 131 444

Local council

Noisy motor vehicles (including trail bikes) on private property

Police Assistance Line: 131 444

Local council

Noisy exhaustEnvironment Line
131 555
Online form
Road traffic: local roadsLocal council
Road traffic: freeways, tollways, main roadsRoads and Maritime Services 
Online Enquiries
Rail noise

EPA Environment Line: 131 555

Rail Greenline: 1300 656 999, Online form

Australian Rail Track Corporation EnviroLine: 1300 550 402

Naval vesselsDefence Department, phone: 1300 333 362
Container and passenger shipsPorts Corporation
Sydney: (02) 9296 4999
Port Kembla: (02) 4275 0100
Newcastle: 1800 048 205
Recreational boating, jet skisRoads and Maritime Services 
Online Enquiries
Amplified music from vessels

Roads and Maritime Services 
Online Enquiries

Water Police
(02) 9320 7499

Local council

Road construction:

  • freeways and tollways
  • main roads
  • other roads

EPA Environment Line
131 555

Roads and Maritime Services 
Online Enquiries

Local council

Building construction

Local council

EPA Environment Line: 131 555

Major public infrastructureEPA Environment Line: 131 555
Motor sports and gun/rifle/pistol clubsLocal council
Sporting facilitiesLocal council
Aquatic motorised sporting eventsRoads and Maritime Services 
Online Enquiries
Concert facilitiesLocal council
Concerts at major state venues (e.g. SCG, the Domain, Centennial Park, Moore Park)EPA Environment Line
131 555
Entertainment activities at Sydney Olympic ParkSydney Olympic Park Authority
(02) 9714 7300
Online form
Noise from residential premises, animal noise, barking dogs, power tools, loud music, air conditioners, pool pumps, etc.

Local council

Police Assistance Line
131 444

Building intruder or car alarms

Local council

Police Assistance Line
131 444