Plastic adhesives exemption guidance

Find out more about the exemption and what it means for businesses.

The Plastic Adhesives Exemption 2024 (Plastic Adhesives Exemption) is made under the Plastic Reduction and Circular Economy Act 2021 (PRCE Act).

What is banned and exempt

From 1 November 2022, it became an offence under the PRCE Act to supply a range of single-use plastic items into or within NSW while carrying on a business.

The PRCE Act defines plastic items as those ‘comprised, in whole or in part, of plastic’. As such, if a regulated item contains any amount of plastic, it is considered a plastic item. The PRCE Act also contains a definition of single-use.

The EPA has granted an exemption for the supply of single-use plastic items where the item contains plastic adhesive that is permitted under the exemption, does not otherwise contain any other plastic, and there is no suitable alternative that can be used in place of the plastic adhesive. The exemption commences on 1 November 2024.


From 1 November 2024, manufacturers will not contravene the PRCE Act if they supply, within or into NSW, single-use plastic items that contain plastic adhesive to the minimum extent necessary to adhere otherwise detached materials or layers of materials if:

  • the adhesive is only used between detached materials or layers of material,
  • the adhesive is not used for decorative purposes,
  • the item supplied does not contain any plastic except for the permitted plastic adhesive, and
  • there is no adhesive-free alternative to using plastic adhesive in the item supplied.

For example, the following applications of plastic adhesives are permitted under the PRCE Act:

  • plastic adhesive used only to affix cotton to the end of a non-plastic cotton bud stick to ensure the cotton does not come off when a person is using it
  • plastic adhesive used only to adhere the paper layers within a paper straw for the consumption of liquids
  • plastic adhesive used to adhere paper handles to paper bags.

It is your responsibility as a manufacturer to ensure you comply with the terms set out in the Plastic Adhesives Exemption.


Businesses are permitted to supply single-use plastic items if the items comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Plastic Adhesives Exemption.

It is your responsibility as a supplier to ensure any single-use plastic items supplied comply with the Plastic Adhesives Exemption or are otherwise allowed to be supplied under the PRCE Act, such as if the items comply with a different exemption granted under the PRCE Act.

If you are unsure whether an item contains permitted plastic adhesive, check with your supplier. You could consider asking various questions, such as: 

  • Can you confirm in writing that the item only contains minimal amounts of plastic adhesive?
  • Can you confirm in writing the item does not use plastic adhesive used as a coating or lining on the item?
  • Can you confirm in writing the item does not contain plastic adhesive used for decorative purposes?
  • Can you confirm in writing the item contains plastic adhesives only used between detached materials or layers of material rather than on external surfaces?
  • Can you confirm in writing there is no adhesive-free alternative to using plastic adhesive in the supplied item?
  • Can you confirm in writing the item does not contain any other plastic besides the permitted plastic adhesive?

If uncertainty remains, we recommend you take precautions when ordering and supplying these items.

More information

Why the exemption was granted

The EPA considered industry views and has granted the Plastic Adhesives Exemption to reflect that there are currently no available adhesives in the market that do not contain negligible amounts of plastic and that many otherwise non-plastic items require plastic adhesives to hold layers of materials or detached materials together for the function of the item. The EPA encourages innovation to shift to non-plastic alternative adhesives.

Exemption end date

While the exemption is not currently time-limited, the EPA may vary or revoke this exemption in the future.

Plastic adhesive as a coating or lining

No. The use of plastic adhesives as a coating or lining is not permitted. The Plastic Adhesives Exemption only allows plastic adhesive to be applied in between layers of materials and to adhere otherwise detached materials. As such, plastic adhesive cannot form an external facing component of the item, such as a lining or coating on an otherwise non-plastic item.