Funding for local councils and voluntary groups
Waste Less, Recycle More provides support and funding for local government waste and resource recovery to help councils recycle more, reduce waste and tackle illegal dumping and littering. The funding includes:
- $39 million for the Better Waste and Recycling Fund over four years, (commencing 2013–14) for councils that pay the waste levy to improve recycling and tackle litter and illegal dumping.
- $4.5 million for councils that pay the waste levy to fund regional coordinators, plan infrastructure, and develop and deliver regional waste strategies.
- $8 million to help voluntary regional waste groups coordinate their work, plan infrastructure and develop and deliver regional waste strategies
- $5 million to help regional and rural local councils with landfill consolidation and environmental improvements.
- $2.5 million to support local government outside the levy paying area with temporary funding to reduce the impacts of the China National Sword Policy and lower commodity prices on recycling services.
- Up to $500,000 per project through 2 funding streams to support both the planning and sourcing phases of waste management service procurement.
In addition to this dedicated funding, local councils have access to Waste Less, Recycle More contestable grants for organics infrastructure and collection systems, community recycling centres, tackling illegal dumping and litter and waste and recycling infrastructure.
More information
Waste and Resource Recovery Branch
Regional Delivery Team
Phone: 131 555
Email: [email protected]