Internal review of EPA GIPA Notice of Decision

You can apply for an internal review of an EPA decision under the Government Information (Public Access ) Act 2009. Find out about the decisions that can be reviewed.

When to use this form

Use this form if you wish to apply for an internal review of an EPA decision made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

You must lodge this form within 20 working days and pay the $40 internal review application fee (see below) after notice of the decision was given to you or within 20 working days of a deemed refusal. A deemed refusal is when the EPA did not decide your application on time.

If you need help in filling out this form, please contact a Governance Officer on (02) 9995 6099 or 9585 6440, or email [email protected].

Find out more about accessing information under the GIPA Act.

Application fee

The $40 application fee can be paid by credit card, cheque or money order, however it is strongly suggested that payment be made via credit card over the phone. Credit card payments can be made over the phone by calling the Environment Line on 131 555 (if in NSW) or (02) 9995 5555. If you wish to pay via cheque or money order, please contact a Governance Officer on the above phone numbers to let us know. The cheques or money orders should be made out to the NSW Environment Protection Authority.

No fee is payable for a deemed refusal.

Third parties

If you are not the access applicant, but instead a third party who was consulted in respect of a GIPA application, you can ask for a review of a decision to provide access to information contrary to your objections (section 80(d) of the GIPA Act).

As a third party, you can also ask for a review of a decision to include information in the EPA’s disclosure log despite your objections (section 80(m) of the GIPA Act).

Internal review application

The information you provide in this form will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. By submitting, you consent to storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with our privacy policy. You can request access to and amendment of your personal information.

Your details

# You must provide a postal address, email address or both.

Decision details

Reviewable decisions
You can ask for a review of any of the following decisions (or a combination) under section 80 of the GIPA Act.

More information

Governance Officer
Governance, Risk and Planning
Environment Protection Authority

Email: [email protected]

Phone:​ (02) 9995 6497 or (02) 9995 6099