Complaints, comments, and requests for review

We are accountable to the people of NSW. The EPA welcomes your comments, discussion about concerns you have about a regulatory decision we have made or about the conduct of any of our officers.

Contact the EPA

If you are a person or company who is the subject of a decision made by the EPA and you would like to discuss the decision or you may have new information you think the EPA should consider, as a first step please speak to the contact person nominated in the relevant letter, notice or instrument. If you’re unhappy with the behaviour or conduct of an EPA officer, you can make a complaint by contacting the EPA. 

 If you still have concerns about the decision or you may have new information you think the EPA should consider, please contact the EPA as soon as possible.

If you are a third party who wishes to comment on a decision made by the EPA under legislation, you can contact Environment Line.

Mail: NSW Environment Protection Authority, Locked Bag 5022 Parramatta NSW 2124 Australia
Phone: 131 555 (local call cost when calling from within NSW) or (+61 2) 9995 5000 (main switchboard)
Fax: (+61 2) 9995 5999
Online: [email protected]

Request a review of an EPA decision or action

If you are not satisfied with an EPA decision or action, you can seek a review. See the Review of EPA decisions page for information on what option is best for you.

Make a complaint about an EPA staff member

EPA staff must conduct their activities in accordance with Government policies and the highest standards of ethical conduct. If you are not happy with the behaviour or conduct of an EPA officer, you can make a complaint - please see the Complaints about EPA staff page for more information.  

Note that a complaint about EPA staff is different to requesting a review of a decision they have made under legislation. For information on how to request a review, see Request a review of an EPA decision or action

Other feedback

For website feedback, general comments or questions about environmental issues or the work of the EPA, or requests for publications, see our Feedback page.

Are you concerned about something else?

The table below explains how different types of concerns will be handled by the EPA

Concern Process
Review of an EPA decision made under legislation Please see the Review of EPA Decisions
Public Interest Disclosure Please contact us for a copy of the EPA Public Interest Disclosure Policy
Access to government information Please see Obtaining information
Formal request for an internal review of a privacy complaint Privacy Management Plan (PDF 911KB).
Response to a request for feedback about quality of EPA services The EPA will consider the feedback and respond if appropriate
Notifying the EPA of littering, dumping, pollution or other failure by a third party to comply with legislation The EPA will investigate and take any appropriate action
Request for an explanation of EPA policies, procedures or decisions (about a third party) The EPA will consider the request and take any appropriate action
Alleged inaction by the EPA where another body is the relevant regulatory authority We will recommend you refer the matter to the relevant regulatory authority. For example, councils and other agencies are identified as the appropriate regulatory authority under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act for some matters and activities instead of the EPA.