Notice of review of environment protection licences

The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act), requires the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to review each environment protection licence at least once every five years.

These licences specify environmental performance requirements for certain industrial activities. Appropriate conditions are generally negotiated with the licensee taking into account factors such as the surrounding environmental conditions, type of activity and available technology.

The community has the opportunity to contribute to the process of reviewing conditions contained in environment protection licences. We welcome submissions regarding licence reviews from the public at any time.

list of environment protection licences (PDF 88KB) that are due to be reviewed within the next 6 months is available.

Alternatively, you can obtain details of any environment protection licence you are interested in by

  • using the public register website to view/print/download a copy of the licence(s).
  • telephoning Environment Line on 131 555.

Submissions relating to environment protection licence reviews can be submitted in writing to:

Head, Regulatory and Compliance Support Unit via email at [email protected] or to the following address:
NSW Environment Protection Authority
Locked Bag 5022