Upper North East Region IFOA
The Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) for the Upper North East Region was revoked and renewed as the Coastal IFOA on 16 November 2018.
The NSW Government has remade the IFOAs for the Upper North East, Lower North East, Southern and Eden regions into one Coastal IFOA , which is efficient, effective and enforceable, and reflects modern best-practice regulation.
The IFOA for the Upper North East Region was granted in 1999. The explanatory note (PDF 16KB) outlines the Upper North East IFOA’s relationship to the Regional Forest Agreements, the roles of agencies and Ministers in enforcing the IFOA, and the reporting and review requirements.
The Upper North East Region extends from approximately Sawtell to west of Guyra and north to the Queensland border.
Upper North East IFOA incorporating amendments
The following documents are compiled working documents which incorporate amendments and are not official consolidations.
Non-licence terms |
Upper North East IFOA Package Incorporating Amendments (PDF 224KB) |
Appendix A
Appendix B |
Terms of licence under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 with amendments (PDF 1.62MB) |
Appendix C
Terms of licence under Part 7A of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 with amendments (PDF 172KB) |
Appendix D
Maps 1 to 7 - Land to which this approval does not apply. Amendment 7 includes maps in electronic format (PDF 1.8MB) |
Appendix E |
Clauses in the original IFOA which have been deleted by subsequent amendments (PDF 1.4MB) *Note: These no longer apply and are provided solely for historical reference. |
Original IFOA and amendments
Original Integrated Forestry Operations Approval for the Upper North East Region (PDF 128KB)
The following amendments have been made to the original approval:
- Amendment 1 commenced on 1 December 2001 (PDF 38KB)
- Amendment 2 commenced on 3 May 2003 (PDF 267KB)
- Amendment 3 commenced on May 2004 (PDF 155KB)
- Amendment 4 commenced November 2007 (PDF 29KB)
- Amendment 5 commenced on 19 April 2010 (PDF 33KB)
- Amendment 6 commenced on 7 November 2011 (PDF 204KB)
- Amendment 7 commenced on 1 March 2013 (PDF 286KB) with Appendix D maps (PDF 1.8MB).