Progress with our Climate Change Action Plan

We are committed to providing annual updates on our progress with implementing our Climate Change Action Plan: 2023-26.

We have made good progress implementing our Climate Change Action Plan: 2023–26 since we released it in mid-January 2023.

In year one, we focussed on important foundational work in consultation with industry, experts, other agencies and other stakeholders that will inform future regulatory approaches to help industry minimise emissions and adapt to climate risks.

In our second year, we have built on this work to begin setting early expectations for our regulated community and developing the pathways for key sectors we license. As we continue to progressively develop these requirements, we remain committed to working with industry, other government agencies and the community at every step, so that we’re all on the same path working towards the same goal.

Our action plan outlines the specific climate change actions we are committed to carrying out till 2026 and beyond. Many of our actions are interrelated and interdependent; together they form a cohesive body of work that we will continue to build on in future phases of our action plan.

‘Drive Climate Action’ is one of three strategic choices in the EPA Strategic Plan 2024-29, which outlines our ambition for achieving positive environmental and human health outcomes by addressing our most formidable environmental challenges.

Progress update

See the progress update below for our specific achievements.

Inform and plan

Inform and plan: continually improving as we listen, provide support and report

In this section, we describe our progress in actions that include determining baselines, assessing risks, promoting good practices, measuring success, reporting in a transparent way, providing advice, and improving in response to new evidence and stakeholder feedback.

Progress against targets

Item in action plan


Monitor and report on the impacts of climate change, greenhouse gas emissions and the implementation and effectiveness of the NSW Net Zero Plan, in NSW State of the Environment reports
  • We have been including information about the impacts of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in the State of the Environment Report since 2021. The reports are published every 3 years and the 2024 report is underway. Read the report.
  • We continue to work with the NSW DCCEEW Net Zero modelling team to inform projections of future greenhouse gas emissions for New South Wales.
  • We are working with the NSW Net Zero Commission, which has a statutory function to report on the State’s whole of economy progress towards its emission reduction targets.


Engage and collaborate with climate change experts across the NSW Government, and with other jurisdictions, as the EPA develops and implements its climate change actions

  • Provided ongoing input and advice on the Commonwealth Safeguard Mechanism reforms and the Net zero sector plans for industry, resources and the built environment.
    • These reforms aim to reduce emissions at Australia’s largest industrial facilities. We are working with other states and territories on how our climate change actions can align with and complement the Commonwealth reforms, while seeking to align with each other where appropriate.
    • The sectoral emissions reduction plans support the Net Zero Plan and enable the Plan to capture the full breadth of the economy.
  • Established a Climate Change Policy and Action Plan Project Partnership Steering Group with the NSW Office of Energy and Climate Change (now NSW DCCEEW), to steer the start-up of the project during 2023.
  • Helped establish and continue to engage with the Heads of EPA Australia and New Zealand (HEPA) forum on climate change regulatory approaches.
    • We Chair the HEPA Climate Change Community of Practice, which is a forum to improve national collaboration and harmonisation of key actions and alignment with the Commonwealth’s Safeguard Mechanism.
  • Provided presentations and updates on the EPA’s regulatory approach to climate change to the Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork (AELERT).

  • Continued to work with other cross government steering committees and working groups.
    • These committees and groups help us track progress, align priorities, reduce duplication and collaborate in other ways.


Monitor emerging issues, trends, risks and opportunities surrounding the issue of climate change and the transition to a decarbonised economy
  •  Prepared the EPA’s first Change Horizon Scan (2023).
    • This helps us keep abreast of emerging issues, trends, risks and opportunities surrounding the issue of climate change and the transition to a decarbonised economy.
  • Our ongoing Horizon Scans continue to inform our regulatory response to climate change.


Support EPA officers to make climate-change-related decisions
  • Collaborated with the Australian National University to deliver a climate essentials course for EPA staff with a focus on the Climate Change Action Plan.
  • Updating our internal guidance documents for officers that explains the factors they must consider when making climate-change-related decisions.


Focus our regulatory effort by first listening to our regulated community, so we understand the climate change actions already being taken
  • Surveyed our licensees – holders of environment protection licences – to help us understand:
    • what they are currently doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the impacts of climate change on their operations
    • how we can support them in doing this.
  • The survey results are informing the development and implementation of other actions in the action plan. Read the results.
  • Established Climate Change Industry Advisory Groups for the mining and agriculture sectors, to ensure industry and other stakeholders are well-consulted in the delivery of our action plan.
    • The mining and agriculture groups first met in December 2023 and will meet at least twice a year. Read our media release.
  • Established a Community and Environment Advisory Group to provide a channel for the EPA to receive advice from community and environment group representatives and experts which can be applied across the EPA’s climate change work.


Progressively require and support our licensees to prepare, implement and report on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Plans (CCMAPs)
  • Developing the draft CCMAP requirements, including monitoring, compliance and reporting obligations for licensees.


Partner with the Department of Planning, Housing & Infrastructure (DPHI) to seek to ensure climate change is being adequately addressed by proponents of activities we’ll regulate, and that approvals contain appropriate conditions
  • Released guidelines to support the EPA's new role in ensuring firming infrastructure operators in NSW meet their greenhouse gas emissions intensity obligations.
    • We have been working collaboratively with the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), the Australian Energy Marker Operator (AEMO) and the Consumer Trustee to prepare for our role and to ensure that we can undertake it effectively and transparently.
  • Released our draft climate change assessment requirements and guidance to support proponents to adequately consider climate change through the environmental impact assessment process.
  • Developing a Protection of the Environment Policy for Sustainable Construction, to help to reduce embodied emissions in public infrastructure and to promote the use of recycled materials in infrastructure projects in NSW.


Require and support all our licensees to specifically consider how a changing climate might increase their risk of pollution incidents, and require them to update their Pollution Incident Response Management Plans (PIRMPs) accordingly
  • We are exploring options around the types of requirements needed to support and encourage our licence holders to decarbonise.


Listen to and learn from Aboriginal people; create opportunities to meaningfully engage and receive feedback on our climate change response
  • Embedded the perspectives of Aboriginal peoples into our 2024 State of the Environment Report.
  • Appointed Aboriginal representatives into Agriculture and Mining industry advisory groups and our Community and Environmental advisory group (Action 5a).
  • Continue to seek perspectives of Aboriginal Peoples on the EPA’s climate change response, through our Aboriginal Peoples Knowledge Group.


Regularly discuss our climate change approach with the EPA’s
Environment Youth Advisory Council, to ensure we’re putting
intergenerational equity into practice
  • Engaged the EPA’s Environment Youth Advisory Council on our climate change policy and action plan. Members gave feedback on ways our action plan can best engage the community and licensees, such as using social media messaging and monitoring industry.
  • The EPA also attended the NSW Youth Summit, where perspectives of youth in relation to climate change and climate action was shared.


Prepare an annual EPA statement on climate change impacts,
risks and adaptation to better understand and prepare for the
impacts of climate change on our operations


Report on the progress of our action plan in our Annual Report
  • Continue to update on our progress implementing our action plan in our EPA Annual Reports.
    • We have also developed this webpage to provide more regular updates to the community.


Mitigate: reducing greenhouse gas emissions

In this section, we describe our progress in new and continuing actions that reduce the rate of climate change, limit or prevent greenhouse gas emissions and encourage activities that remove these gases from the atmosphere. They complement and build on the actions described under Inform and plan.

Progress against targets

Item in action plan Status


Develop and implement programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
from the waste sector, including our target of net zero emissions from
organic waste from landfills by 2030


Support the whole-of-government approach to streamlining project approvals in renewable energy zones
  • Continue to support DPHI and be led by their requests for advice and feedback on proposals to progress this approach.


Develop and implement tailored behavioural change programs to encourage and enable greenhouse gas emission reductions


Ensure methane emissions from EPA-licensed onshore-gas operators are minimised; review existing Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) programs
  • Completed a review of our licensees’ LDAR programs and developed an implementation plan for continuous improvements via licence variations and pollution reduction programs.


Regulate short-lived climate pollutants from our licensees


Lead by example, maintaining efforts to become a carbon-neutral organisation by 2030


Develop a series of greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and related pathways for key industry sectors we license, to help guide our regulatory effort
  • Working with the Net Zero Emissions Modelling (NZEM) team in DCCEEW to understand our licensees’ contribution to NSW emissions inventory and projections in more detail.


Prepare or adopt climate change mitigation guidance for key industry sectors we license, including the performance outcomes we seek


Progressively place greenhouse gas emission limits and other requirements on licences for key industry sectors
  • Supporting advances in greenhouse gas measurement, including fugitive methane.
    • Review one example of greenhouse gas measurements in Western Sydney here.
    • We are considering opportunities to expand greenhouse gas surveys and desktop analysis of satellite data across NSW.


Encourage and support our regulated community to innovate
  • Continue seeking feedback about innovation ideas and address relevant issues.
    • Use the results of our licensee survey (5a) to inform new opportunities
    • Requirements for CCMAPs (Action 5b) will iteratively inform us about licensee initiatives


Adapt: adapting and building resilience to a changing climate

In this section, we describe actions that will help us build the community’s resilience to a changing climate. These actions build on the actions described in Inform and plan that have clear benefits for climate change adaptation.

Progress against targets

Item in action plan Status


Protect the environment during emergency response and recovery, and strengthen our approach by being better prepared for the impacts of climate change
  • Delivering flood clean-up programs to remove eligible flood debris from impacted areas.
    • We are monitoring water quality and supporting councils, communities and the environment to recover from flood disasters.
  • Engaged community in monitoring and collecting water quality information for local waterways as part of our flood recovery programs
  • Updated the NSW Disaster Waste sub plan to reflect lessons learned from recent biosecurity, flood, and bushfire responses, including the influence of climate change on disaster waste management.
  • Developed an Interim Mass fish kill sub plan, which details the control and coordination arrangements for the preparation for, response to and recovery from mass fish kill emergencies within NSW. Developing a Menindee specific mass fish death sub-plan.
  • Developed the Wildlife in Emergencies sub plan, which details the control and coordination arrangements for the preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies affecting wildlife within NSW.
  • Completed the five-yearly review of the Environmental Services Functional Area Supporting Plan (EnviroPlan).


Ensure climate risks are considered in native forestry via the Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program
  • Endorsed the detailed report on the Coastal IFOA program findings as a member of the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program (FMIP) steering committee.
  • Working with the NSW Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program (FMIP) steering committee to:
    • Participate in broadscale forest monitoring and targeted research undertaken by the FMIP.
    • Ensure climate risks are identified and consequences are appropriately managed in the Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (IFOA) as agreed by Government.


Develop an adaptation and resilience delivery plan for the EPA
  • Developing a high-level summary statement that informs our stakeholders about the collective actions that the EPA is taking to minimise the impacts of climate change and build resilience.


Develop and implement environmental resilience programs and initiatives
  • Determined which sector-based initiatives should be prioritised, to help our environment protection licensees build climate resilience.
  • Commissioned research into the impacts of climate change on waste transportation, storage, processing, disposal and legacy sites.
    • The EPA will continue to support preparedness and recovery in the waste sector with ongoing development of local and regional disaster waste management plans; guided by the Disaster Waste Sub Plan (under the NSW EMPLAN)
  • Gathered information on potential environmental resilience initiatives to enhance preparedness for natural disaster events and in alignment with EPA’s emergency management responsibilities:
    • Initiatives are being scoped with consideration for our regulatory partners, local communities and councils, Aboriginal land managers and other public land managers.
    • We will consult with our stakeholders as we develop these programs.


Prepare or adopt climate change adaptation guidance for key industry sectors we license, including the performance outcomes we seek
  • Analysing climate risks from survey information and published literature (see Action 5A) and prioritising sectors that may need guidance on adaptation.
  • Developing climate risk assessment framework.


Develop a climate change citizen-science strategy and community education program to encourage and support young people to make observations about changes in their local environment
  • Continuing to explore opportunities for citizen science within NSW.