Love Food Hate Waste education

Program snapshot

Category: Organics Infrastructure Fund

Amounts: Total of $1.6 million

Eligible bodies: Local councils, non-governmental organisations, community groups, not-for-profit organisations, businesses, industry associations, NSW government entities and education service providers

Contact: 1300 361 967 or [email protected]

Status: This program is now closed.

Managed by: NSW Environment Protection Authority


Love Food Hate Waste grants supported eligible organisations to deliver projects that help households or businesses reduce the amount of edible food they waste.

What will be funded?

The Love Food Hate Waste grants were delivered via three streams. Streams 1, 2 and 3 are currently closed.

Stream 1 ​– Household education. Grants of up to $20,000 per year to support organisations including councils, businesses, not-for profits and community organisations to use Food Smart to educate households to waste less food.

Stream 2 ​- Business education. Grants of up to $30,000 per year to support organisations, including councils, businesses, not-for profits, community organisations to use Your Business is Food to educate and provide support to NSW food businesses to reduce food waste.

Stream 3 ​- Love Food Communities. Grants of up to $250,000 for up to five NSW towns, cities or regions to plan and deliver a two-year whole-of-city approach to food waste prevention.

Application details 


Round 6 recipients and project summaries

Round 6 allocated $959,840 to four projects.

Central Coast Council - $210,000

Central Coast Council’s Love Food Communities project will work with households, businesses, childcare centres and schools to build the knowledge and skills required to reduce food waste by 20% by 2021.

The project will use the Love Food Hate Waste Food Smart program for households and the Your Business is Food education program for businesses, to help at least 2,000 residents and 1,000 business reduce food waste and save money.

Partnerships with the Green Canteen Consortium, Central Coast Community Council and local businesses will broaden the project reach to build momentum for engagement and change.

City of Sydney - $249,840

The City of Sydney and its partners will engage with residents, workers, accommodation providers, food service businesses, cultural institutions, event venues and educational institutions in the challenge to reduce food waste across the community.

Building on existing partnerships, such as Smart Green Apartments, Better Buildings Partnership, CitySwitch and the Sustainable Destination Partnership, the project will increase awareness and action among businesses and residents with a target to reduce food waste by 10% per participant.

The project will use the Love Food Hate Waste Food Smart program for households, Your Business is Food program and bring in new food waste avoidance tools and resources to achieve its goal.

Midwaste - $250,000

Midwaste’s Love Food Communities project will build on previous projects with households and businesses to embed food waste avoidance across the community, focusing on the value of our unique regional food bowl and supporting food producers by making the most of what we buy.

It will bring together the six councils in the region and multiple partners including Woolworths, schools, TAFE, pubs, clubs, aged care providers, the local health district and 1 Million Women to explore how food is wasted and help each sector save food and money.

North East Waste - $250,000

The North East Waste (NEWaste) Love Food Communities Project will tackle food waste in partnership with the retail, hospitality, food manufacturing, health, the local food industry, including retail, manufacturing, hospitality, health and households.

The program will leverage on the research, relationships and outcomes that NE Waste has already achieved with the Love Food Hate Waste Program since 2010. Expanding with projects and research into new sectors, new target audiences with innovative and improved community engagement strategies.

Partners include Woolworths and IGA, Northern Rivers Food, Northern Rivers Area Health Service, NSW Chamber of Commerce (North Coast branch), Regional Development Australia (North Coast), Sustain Food and the regional waste group’s seven-member councils.

Past recipients

The Love Food Hate Waste grants have been significantly updated from previous years. The information relating to past recipients is for reference purposes only. 
View the project summaries

  • Round 5 allocated $516,248 to 17 projects.
  • Round 4 allocated $214,125 to 7 projects.
  • Round 3 allocated $324,210 to 10 projects.
  • Round 2 allocated $237,684 to 8 projects.
  • Round 1 allocated $356,797 to 10 projects.