Former gasworks sites

Gas manufacturing plants, known as gasworks, used to produce town gas for heating, lighting and cooking. Gas was generated by heating coal. The resulting gas was captured, piped off and used as fuel.

Most NSW gasworks commenced operation in the late 1800s. With the introduction of alternative fuel sources, many began to be phased out in the 1960s. The last known operating gasworks in NSW was decommissioned in the mid-1980s.

The operation of gasworks throughout NSW has left a legacy of soil and groundwater contamination, in some cases extending to adjoining sites. The major contaminants include tars, oils, hydrocarbon sludges, spent oxide wastes, ash and ammoniacal recovery wastes. While many of these materials were recycled or reused, it was common for some to be buried on or near the gasworks site (for instance in underground tar wells, liquor wells, pipes and purifier beds) and not removed when the gasworks were decommissioned.

Some of these contaminants are carcinogenic to humans and toxic to aquatic ecosystems and so may pose a risk to human health and the environment. As a result, many former gasworks sites will require remediation before they will be suitable for sensitive land uses, such as housing.

Location of former sites

According to a study completed in November 2003 and information that subsequently became available to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), there are more than 60 former gasworks sites in NSW. The study was commissioned by the Environmental Trust and the Local Government and Shires Associations of NSW to provide an inventory of former sites and assist the EPA and local councils to decide if any action was required to address human health and/or environmental impacts.

The table below lists the location of these sites, excluding sites where the existence of a gasworks was unable to be confirmed. It also does not include the sites of gas booster stations, which were used to raise the pressure of gas supplies. These sites are not included because they were not used to manufacture or process gas and so have limited potential for contamination.

The information available on former gasworks sites and the extent of investigation and remediation that has been carried out varies from site to site and is constantly being updated. For the latest information on sites regulated by the EPA, search the record of EPA notices for contaminated land. For information about sites that are not regulated by the EPA, contact the relevant local council. The EPA has given each council the information it has on sites in their area.

CouncilGasworks locationFor more information
Albury City CouncilKiewa Street, AlburySearch record of EPA notices
Armidale Dumaresq CouncilBeardy Street, ArmidaleSearch record of EPA notices
Auburn CouncilWilson Park, SilverwaterSearch record of EPA notices
Bathurst Regional CouncilBathurst Railway Station, BathurstContact council
Bathurst Regional CouncilCharlotte Street, BathurstContact council
Bathurst Regional CouncilRussell St, BathurstSearch record of EPA notices
Bega Valley Shire CouncilUpper Street, BegaContact council
Blue Mountains City CouncilMegalong Street, KatoombaSearch record of EPA notices
Broken Hill City CouncilMercury Street, Broken HillSearch record of EPA notices
Cabonne Shire CouncilGasworks Lane, MolongContact council
Camden CouncilJohn Street, CamdenContact council
Canterbury City CouncilKingsgrove Road, KingsgroveContact council
Cessnock City CouncilMaitland Road, CessnockContact council
City of Canada Bay CouncilTennyson Road, MortlakeSearch record of EPA notices
City of Canada Bay CouncilWymston Parade, AbbotsfordSearch record of EPA notices
City of Lithgow CouncilGasworks Lane, LithgowContact council
Clarence Valley CouncilPound Street, GraftonContact council
Cootamundra Shire CouncilHovell Street, CootamundraSearch record of EPA notices
Council of the City of SydneyHickson Road, Millers PointSearch record of EPA notices
Council of the City of SydneyMacdonaldtown Triangle, ErskinevilleSearch record of EPA notices
Cowra Shire CouncilBrougham Street, CowraContact council
Deniliquin CouncilGeorge Street, DeniliquinContact council
Dubbo City CouncilGas Lane, DubboContact council
Forbes Shire CouncilUnion Street, ForbesSearch record of EPA notices
Glen Innes Severn Shire CouncilWest Avenue, Glen InnesSearch record of EPA notices
Goulburn Mulwaree CouncilBlackshaw Road, GoulburnContact council
Hawkesbury City CouncilChurch Street, WindsorContact council
Hay Shire CouncilCoke Street, HayContact council
Junee Shire CouncilLord Street, JuneeContact council
Junee Shire CouncilPeel Street, JuneeContact council
Lismore City CouncilKeen Street, LismoreSearch record of EPA notices
Liverpool City CouncilMill Road, LiverpoolContact council
Liverpool Plains Shire CouncilSingle Street, Werris CreekContact council
Maitland City CouncilCharles Street, MaitlandSearch record of EPA notices
Maitland City CouncilMelbourne Street, East MaitlandSearch record of EPA notices
Manly CouncilStuart Street, ManlySearch record of EPA notices
Mudgee Shire CouncilMortimer Street, MudgeeContact council
Muswellbrook Shire CouncilCarl Street, MuswellbrookContact council
Newcastle City CouncilClyde Street, Hamilton NorthSearch record of EPA notices
Newcaslte City CouncilEllis Road, Turton Road, Georgetown Road, WaratahContact council
Newcastle City CouncilLow Street, WallsendContact council
Newcastle City CouncilSteel Street, Newcastle WestContact council
Newcastle City CouncilWharf Road, NewcastleContact council
North Sydney CouncilHigh Street, North SydneySearch record of EPA notices
North Sydney CouncilKing Street, WavertonSearch record of EPA notices
Orange City CouncilPeisley Street, OrangeContact council
Parkes Shire CouncilBogan Street, ParkesContact council
Parkes Shire CouncilEast Street, ParkesContact council
Parramatta City CouncilGeorge Street, ParramattaContact council
Richmond Valley CouncilNorth Street, CasinoContact council
Shoalhaven City CouncilLamonds Lane, NowraSearch record of EPA notices
Singleton Shire CouncilGas Street, SingletonSearch record of EPA notices
Tamworth Regional CouncilPeel Street, TamworthContact council
The Council of the Municipality of KiamaShoalhaven Street, KiamaContact council
Wagga Wagga City CouncilChaston St, Wagga WaggaSearch record of EPA notices
Wagga Wagga City CouncilTarcutta Street, Wagga WaggaSearch record of EPA notices
Weddin Shire CouncilGooloogong Road, GrenfellSearch record of EPA notices
Wellington CouncilGobolion Street, WellingtonContact council
Wingecarribee Shire CouncilMerrigang Street, BowralSearch record of EPA notices
Wollongong City CouncilFinders Street, WollongongContact council
Woollahra Municipal CouncilWhite City, PaddingtonContact council
Yass Valley CouncilDutton Street, YassSearch record of EPA notices