About No Burn Notices

The EPA protects human health and the environment by issuing a No Burn Notice when there are indications that smoke from planned fires is likely to contribute to the build-up of air pollution.

Outside the bushfire danger season​ (generally 1 April to 30 September) the EPA may ban fires in the open or in incinerators by issuing a No Burn Notice​ (see section 133 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997).

To find out whether a No Burn Notice is in force

Total Fire Bans

During the bushfire danger season (​generally 1 October to 31 March), the NSW Rural Fire Service may issue a Total Fire Ban. A Total Fire Ban overrides a No Burn Notice. To check if a Total Fire Ban is in place, contact NSW Rural Fire Service on 1800 679 737.

For information about lighting fires at other times, see Open burning - reducing air pollution from fires.

Understanding a No Burn Notice

A no-burn notice specifies

  • the dates that it is in force
  • the council areas affected – if your council area is listed on the notice, you cannot conduct any burn unless the notice states that type of burn is exempt.

Exemptions include

  • lighting fires for bushfire control
  • barbeques
  • specific hazard reduction burns (but only if the EPA and the NSW Rural Fire Service have agreed that it is critical that they take place).

More information

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NSW Environment Protection Authority