Continued need to use plastic item banned under the PRCE Act 2021
This form is for those interested in providing feedback about a continued need for access to and/or use of a banned item.
This form is not a formal application for an exemption under the PRCE Act. The form provides a mechanism for individuals to bring any issues arising from the banning of particular items to the EPA’s attention.
If you were previously a supplier of banned items and are interested in seeking an exemption from the PRCE Act, please use the exemption enquiry form.
Note: Completing this form does not mean that the EPA will grant an exemption that enables you to continue to access the banned item.
Next steps
We will consider the information you provide in this form, and may contact you to discuss your feedback.
The EPA collects and manages the personal information you provide according to the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Providing your personal information is voluntary, however the EPA may not be able to consider your feedback without it.
The EPA collects and holds the information you provide, including personal information, for the following purposes:
- assessing and responding to your feedback
- any related exemption application process
- collecting information and feedback on prohibited plastic items and on potential or current exemptions or exemption applications
- internal administrative purposes, including contacting you about exemptions, consultation opportunities or requirements under the PRCE Act
- as part of administering the PRCE Act
- collaborating or partnering with you on matters relating to the NSW Plastics Action Plan or the PRCE Act
- for directly related purposes.
In assessing your feedback, or for one of the other purposes listed above, the EPA may need to disclose the information you provide, including any personal information, to:
- other Government agencies, for example (and where relevant) NSW Health and the Department of Planning and Environment
- people outside of the EPA who are assisting with exemption processes, including people on or involved with a technical advisory panel (or similar) contracted by the EPA.
The EPA will seek your consent before disclosing your personal information to third parties not mentioned above unless otherwise required or permitted to disclose that personal information.
Once the EPA has collected your personal information, you have the right to access and correct any of it at any time. To do this, contact the EPA at [email protected].
For privacy enquiries or general enquiries concerning access to or amendment of personal information held by the EPA, call a Right to Information/Privacy Officer on (02) 9995 5000.
Contact us
Email: [email protected]
More information
Check for current plastics exemptions