Non-statutory guidance documents
List of non-statutory guidelines for dealing with different types of contamination.
The EPA publishes and endorses additional guidance on the management of contaminated land for the purposes connected with the objects of the Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.
Non-statutory guidelines and documents may be considered by
- the EPA
- accredited site auditors
- contaminated land consultants
- those with a duty to report contamination to the EPA.
Guidance documents
- Contamination assessment of service station sites (PDF 1.1MB)
- Preparing environmental management plans for contaminated land (PDF 322KB)
- Best Practice Note: Landfarming (PDF 900KB)
- Practice Note: Managing run-off from service station forecourts (PDF 320KB)
- Technical Note: Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Assessment and Remediation (PDF 300KB)
- Technical Note: Vapour Intrusion (PDF 200KB)
Consultation report
- Download the consultation report (PDF 400KB) for the draft Preparing environmental management plans for contaminated land practice note