Online waste tracking help menu
The Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS) has replaced the Online Waste Tracking (OWT) and WasteLocate systems for tracking the transport of hazardous and other high-risk wastes. Our website will shortly be updated to reflect this change.
In the meantime, you can find out more about the IWTS here or by contacting us on (02) 9585 6303 or [email protected].
For step-by-step user guides and frequently asked questions about the IWTS, please visit the KPMG Origins Help Centre, including about:
Online waste tracking for new users
Consignment authorisations
- About consignment authorisations
- Search for and edit an existing consignment authorisation
- Create a consignment authorisation
- Using ‘enter all new data’
- Batch copy and create multiple consignment authorisations
- Create a new consignment authorisation by copying and editing data from an existing one
Transport certificates
- About TCs
- Create a TC
- Search a TC
- Update a TC - pick-up, arrival, acceptance, processing, rejection
- Terminate a TC
- Record discrepancy
- View discrepancy record
- Agent's receipt
- Report discrepancy on transport certificate
- Automatic report
- Differing waste amount
- Proposed delivery report
Upload and download
Custom lists
- List of regularly used transporters
- Agent’s premises list and producer premises list
- Creating and using premises lists
When online waste tracking is not available
- Tracking waste when the system is offline or there is no internet access
- Recording waste loads without consignment authorisations or transport certificates
- Using paper transport certificates