Orica incident

Orica hexavalent chromium emission incident, Kooragang Island

The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is investigating an incident that occurred on Monday 8th August 2011 involving a short emission of hexavalent chromium from Orica’s ammonia plant on Kooragang Island, Newcastle.

The OEH ordered Orica to immediately cease operations at its ammonia plant and has implemented a thorough investigation.

The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) has established an interagency committee to oversee and review the recommissioning of the Orica ammonia plant at Kooragang Island, Newcastle, which has been closed under a Prevention Notice issued by OEH on 11 August 2011.  The Committee includes representatives from the Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW Health, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Police, WorkCover, Newcastle City Council, Port Stephens Council and the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure.

Orica Ammonia Start Up Committee minutes for download:

More information about the incident and sampling results is provided in the links below: