Council Community and Recreation Assets Clean-up Program

The Council Community and Recreation Assets Clean-up Program supports councils impacted by storms and floods through February and March 2021.

Under the Program, eligible councils can make claim for the reimbursement of costs incurred in the clean-up and make safe of their community and recreation assets.

Program snapshot

Category: Flood Recovery Program

Amounts: The program provides funding of up to $18 million to support councils through reimbursement of costs incurred with clean-up and make safe of their community and recreation assets including parks, playgrounds, reserves, sporting fields and courts, community halls and show grounds.

Contact: 131 555

Status: Closed 

Managed by: NSW Environment Protection Authority


This program will financially support impacted councils through the reimbursement of the costs they have incurred to clean up and make safe their community and recreation assets. Clean-up of these assets is a critical step in the recovery process as it allows the community to return to using and enjoying them.

Many council community and recreation assets are also located within environmentally sensitive areas, including rivers, wetlands and beaches. Debris and waste harm these areas’ environmental values, and so must be cleaned up.

Useful documents


Where to get help

The EPA’s Recovery and Resilience Programs team can help you with understand/interpret the Applicant Guidelines and develop your application. If you have any questions about these guidelines, eligibility or the types of activities that can be included in your application, please contact us on:

Please note – Storms and floods that have impacted NSW communities in March 2022 are currently subject to funding decisions by Commonwealth and NSW Governments, and will be managed separately. Once formal announcements have been made, we will provide further updates.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Council Community and Recreation Assets Clean-up Program?

This program assists councils with the reimbursement of costs they incurred in the clean-up and make-safe of their community and recreation assets following storm and flood events in February and March 2021.

Who is eligible?

If your council was declared a natural disaster area under Australian Government reference number (AGRN) 954 and/or 960 they are eligible under the Council Community and Recreation Assets Clean-up Program.

To check if your Council is eligible you can view the application guidelines (PDF 411KB) or check the NSW natural declaration listings.

How much funding is available?

Up to $18 million is available to support eligible councils.

What council assets are elegible?

Council-owned or -managed community and recreation assets on public land including parks, playgrounds, reserves, sporting fields and outdoor courts, beach areas, community halls, showgrounds, cemeteries, boat ramps, wharfs and jetties are eligible.

Please check our application guidelines (PDF 411KB) for further details regarding council community and recreation assets eligibility as well as assets not eligible under the program.

Do my council's community and recreation assets have to be impacted by both AGRN 960 and 954 to be eligible?
No. Your Council community and recreational assets only have to be impacted by either ARGN 960 or 960 storm and flood events. Instances where your council community and recreation assets were impacted by both AGRN 960 and 954 of course remain eligible.
What clean-up and make safe activities are eligible?
Please check our application guidelines (PDF 411KB) for full details including a comprehensive list of eligible clean-up and make safe activities, including associated costs.
Do my council clean-up and make safe activities need to be completed in order to claim reimbursement?

Yes. Your Council must have completed these activities as reimbursement will only be provided for actual costs incurred in the clean-up and make-safe of their community and recreation assets.

Where can I get assistance with the repair and restoration of council’s community and recreation assets damaged by storms and floods in February and March 2021?

Department of Regional NSW is delivering the Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Program which targets storm and flood affected local government areas by providing funding for the repair, restoration and enhancement of damaged community infrastructure.

Full details of this program can be found on the Department of Regional NSW website - Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Program.

More information