What's in the public register?

Section 308(2) of the POEO Act defines what must be in the Public Register. This page explains where and how you can find the information listed in that section.

(a) Details of each licence application made to that authority

Under the POEO Act, licence application is defined as 'an application for the issue, transfer or variation of a licence'. Search under Applications for details of new licence applications and for details of applications by existing licence holders to vary their licence, or transfer the licence to another entity.

(b) Details of each decision of that authority made in respect of any such licence application

The EPA's decision in relation to an application for a new licence is either to issue the licence or to refuse the application. Search under Applications to see if an application for a new licence has been approved, refused or is still pending. An application to vary  a licence is approved by the issue of a Notice. Search under Notices for details of decisions regarding applications to vary a licence. Follow the links, where applicable, attached to individual licences. An application to transfer a licence is granted by the issue or transfer of the licence concerned. Search under Licences for individual licences.

(c) Details of each licence issued by that authority

Upon commencement of the POEO Act (1 July 1999), all existing licences held under the Pollution Control Act and the Waste Minimisation and Management Act were deemed to be licences issued under the POEO Act. The new POEO Act contains new and different provisions. The EPA undertook a process to convert these licences and to determine if   a licence was still required.

Details and a copy of each environment protection licence are available for searching at Licences.

If you have difficulty finding the licence you are looking for, please contact Environment Line on 131 555.

(d) Details of each variation of the conditions of any such licence

A licence holder may apply to the EPA to vary a licence, while the EPA can choose to vary the conditions of a licence, usually in consultation with the licence holder. A licence is varied by the issue of a notice that adds, removes or amends licence conditions.

Search under Notices for details of each licence variation or follow the links, where applicable, at each individual licence screen.

(e) Details of each decision of that authority to suspend, revoke or approve the surrender of any such licence (including details of any conditions to which it is subject)

Licences can be suspended or revoked by the EPA at any time. Similarly, licence holders can apply to the EPA to have their licences surrendered if they no longer require them. A notice will be issued to the licence holder to suspend, revoke or notify the EPA's approval to surrender a licence.

Search under Notices for details of any such decisions or follow the links, where applicable, at each individual licence screen.

(f) Details of each certificate supplied in accordance with a condition of any such licence certifying compliance with the conditions of the licence

Licence holders are required each year to complete and submit to the EPA an Annual Return, which contains a statement of compliance, certifying compliance with the conditions of their licence. Follow the links under Statement of Compliance at each individual licence screen.

(g) The date of completion of each review of any such licence by that authority under section 78

Under the POEO Act,  the EPA is obliged to review each licence regularly. The date of completeion of the licence review is available from each individual licence screen.

(h) Details of each environment protection notice or noise control notice issued by that authority

Environment protection notices (under POEO Act Chapter 4) include clean-up, prevention or prohibition notices.

Search under Notices for environment protection notices and noise control notices or follow the links where applicable at each individual licence screen.

(i) Details of any exemption granted under Part 9.1

Under Part 9.1 of the POEO Act, the EPA can grant an exemption to any person allowing them to not comply with a part of the Act or Regulations. Similar provisions also existed under previous legislation and those exemptions that have not yet expired are available on the Public Register.

Go to Exemptions for details of current exemptions.

(j) Details of any convictions in prosecutions under this Act instituted by that authority

Details can be found at POEO Public Register or by calling the EPA on 13 55 55.

(k) The results of civil proceedings before the Land and Environment Court under this Act by or against that authority

Details can be found at POEO Public Register or by calling the EPA on 13 55 55.

(l) A summary of the conclusions of any audit report in connection with a mandatory environmental audit under Part 6.2 that is supplied to that authority

The POEO Act allows the EPA to require a licence holder to undertake an independent environmental audit of their premises or operation. Where an audit has been completed, a summary will be available electronically and attached to each individual licence on the Public Register.

A "View Audit" button will appear in the licence summary if any audit report is available.

(m) Details of such other matters as are prescribed by the regulations (relating to licences or other matters under or relevant to this Act)

Section 156  of the POEO (General) Regulation prescribes the application fee and the annual licence fee (which includes the Load Based Licensing fee) to be available in the Public Register. This information will appear in the individual licence summary.

Section 156 also provides that details of any approval granted under sections 11, 18, 53, 72, 77 and 162 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation is to be available in the Public Register.