Alternative Waste Technology transition package

Consultation on the Phase 2 Alternative Waste Technology transition package was completed in March 2020 with the announcement that the NSW Government will provide $24 million in funding to support local councils and the alternative waste industry to improve kerbside separation of food and garden waste and encourage other better uses of waste.

The investment includes

About the AWT transition package consultation

The transition package was developed to assist the Alternative Waste Treatment (AWT) industry and councils to transition to sustainable resource recovery practices following the 2018 EPA revocation of the order and exemption allowing MWOO to be applied to land.

A Phase 1 package was introduced in October 2018 to provide support to minimise the risk to kerbside collection services and ensure that any additional landfill costs would not be passed on to councils or ratepayers. The phase one transition package concluded on 28 February 2020. A temporary waste levy exemption for limited amounts of MWOO produced at approved scheduled waste facilities in NSW has been in place since November 2018. Approvals are currently in place until 1 May 2021 and further approvals may be considered in the future for scheduled waste facilities that demonstrate they are transitioning to sustainable resource recovery outcomes.

Consultation with the industry and councils in late 2019 informed the Phase 2 Transition Package.

The outcomes from the $24 million AWT transition package were announced by the Minister for the Environment in March 2020.