Private native forestry advisory notes
The Private Native Forestry Codes of Practice (the PNF Codes) state that certain forest features such as habitat trees, wetlands, old growth and rainforest must be protected from potential harm caused by forestry operations. These advisory notes provide advice and guidance on how to ensure these features are protected and conserved.
The Code contains
- prescriptions to ensure the protection of vulnerable flora and fauna
- provisions to protect Aboriginal cultural heritage places and objects
The EPA has prepared these advisory notes to help landowners and forestry contractors apply the requirements of the Code. They provide information on threatened species, cultural heritage and biodiversity.
Note: On 30 April 2018, Local Land Services assumed responsibility for PNF approval and extension services. The EPA retains its role in relation to monitoring of compliance with the PNF Code of Practice, and related enforcement activities. See more information on these changes.
- Replaces Advisory note 1
Identifying hollow-bearing and recruitment trees (PDF 934KB) - Advisory note 2:
Glossy black-cockatoo (PDF 270KB) - Advisory note 3:
Yellow-bellied glider (PDF 207KB) - Advisory note 4:
Nectar feed trees (PDF 218KB) - Advisory note 5:
Fleshy fruits (PDF 286KB) - Advisory note 6:
Roost and nest trees (PDF 252KB) - Advisory note 7:
Bat roosts (PDF 203KB) - Advisory note 8:
Flying-fox camps (PDF 430KB) - Advisory note 9:
Koala habitat (PDF 417KB) - Advisory note 10:
Old growth forests (PDF 392KB) - Replaces Advisory note 11:
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (PDF 727KB) - Advisory note 12:
Biodiversity (PDF 183KB) - Advisory note 13:
Threatened species conservation (PDF 426KB) - Advisory note 14:
Threatened species recovery plans (PDF 247KB) - Advisory note 15:
Spotted-tail quoll (PDF 203KB)