Contacts for air pollution
Where air pollution causes or threatens material harm to the environment, a number of authorities must be notified - see duty to notify.
Members of the public wishing to report or inquire about air pollution should contact the organisation responsible for its regulation as set out below.
Pollution type or source | Organisation responsible | Contact |
Transport | ||
Fires, smoke & burning | ||
Parks | ||
Odours | ||
Air pollution from a premises for which an environment protection licence is held. You can check whether a premises is licensed through the public register | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Air pollution from a premises operated by private industry and for which there is no environment protection licence | Local councils | View a list of NSW councils |
Activities carried on by public authorities | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Power stations | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Smoky motor vehicles | EPA | Phone: 131 555 Online form |
Ships underway and berthed, including naval vessels | AMSA | Phone: 1800 627 484 Online form |
Aircraft, including aviation fuel dumping | Air Services Australia | Phone: 1800 802 584 |
Domestic wood and coal fires | Local councils | View a list of NSW councils |
Backyard burning | Local councils | View a list of NSW councils |
Major fires (industrial or bushland) | NSW Fire Brigades | Phone: 000 |
Burning of bio material in electricity generating works | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Excessive smoke pollution from sugar cane burning. Find out more | Cane Growers Associations | NSW Cane Growers Association Email: [email protected] |
Marine parks | Marine Parks Authority | Phone: 1300 550 474 |
Kosciuszko National Park | OEH | Phone: 131 555 |
Odour from large industry | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Odour from a sewage treatment plant | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Odour from a landfill | EPA | Phone: 131 555 |
Odour from a small business, restaurant or food outlet | Local councils | View a list of NSW councils |
Odour from a residential premises | Local councils | View a list of NSW councils |
Odour or fumes from spray painting | Local councils | View a list of NSW councils |