Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017

Following public consultation, the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017 has now commenced and replaces the 2008 regulation.

An addendum to the Regulatory Impact Statement that went out for public consultation is provided. It includes responses to the 35 submissions made during public consultation and an overview of the key changes.

This Regulation controls noise from motor vehicles and marine vessels and sets community standards on acceptable noise intrusion in homes from such appliances as intruder alarms, music amplifiers, air conditioners and powered garden tools.

The Regulation includes provisions to manage noise from the following sources:

Motor vehicles

  • provides for the use of various motor vehicle and motor vehicle accessories devices such as horns and alarms
  • sets prescribed limits for motor vehicles
  • provides enforcement agencies with supplementary control options including on-the-spot fines for certain offences and the power to issue other types of notices.

Marine vessels

  • regulates noise emitted from the use of marine vessels
  • requires the maintenance of noise control equipment on marine vessels
  • prohibits the emission of offensive noise from a musical instrument or sound system on a vessel

Noisy articles

  • sets time limits for the use of certain articles on residential property including gardening equipment, air conditioners, tools and pumps, where the noise caused can be heard in a habitable room of another residence
  • prohibits the selling of certain articles that emit noise above prescribed levels, such as lawn mowers, edge cutters, string trimmers and brush cutters
  • requires labelling of certain other noise emitting articles such as chainsaws, air conditioners, air compressors, pavement breakers, garbage compactors
  • allows for the inspection and testing of certain articles
  • restricts the playing of loud musical instruments and sound systems that disturb neighbours
  • controlling the time a building alarm may sound before incurring a penalty
  • allows European Union labelled outdoor power equipment to be sold in NSW without additional labelling
  • adopts sound power level as a common metric for noisy articles

Shooting ranges

  • formalises testing procedures for determining noise levels from shooting ranges

Key documents and information