Review of the Regional Forest Agreements
The NSW and Australian governments are required to review the RFAs every 5 years to assess progress regarding ecologically sustainable forest management.
The review provides an assessment of progress of the agreements against established milestones, and includes:
- the extent to which milestones and obligations have been met
- the results of monitoring of sustainability indicators
- inviting public comment on the performance of the RFAs.
The review of RFAs is separate from the review of NSW Forest Agreements and Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals.
Combined second and third 5-yearly review
In December 2016, the NSW and Australian governments signed a Scoping Agreement for the review of progress with implementation of the New South Wales Regional Forest Agreements (PDF 939KB).
The NSW and Australian governments jointly prepared an implementation report titled A Report on Progress with Implementation of the NSW Regional Forest Agreements: Second and third five-yearly reviews July 2004 – June 2014 (PDF 11MB). The implementation report outlines actions taken by the NSW and Australian governments to implement the commitments in the RFAs.
Independent review
An Independent Reviewer was appointed by the NSW and Australian governments to review the implementation report and any submissions received throughout the exhibition. The report, Independent review of the report on progress with the implementation of the New South Wales Regional Forest Agreements for the second and third five-yearly reviews 2004 – 2014 was tabled in Australian Parliament on 25 June 2018.
This independent review made 16 recommendations to improve the delivery of the RFAs in NSW. A comprehensive response to the review has been prepared by the NSW and Australian governments, outlining how these recommendations will be addressed. The Joint Government Response to the Independent Reviewer’s Report will be made available on the website of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR).
Public submissions
Public submissions were invited on the review of progress on the implementation of the NSW RFAs between 2004 and 2014. A total of 5425 submissions were received during the consultation process and were provided to the Independent Reviewer for consideration.
Summary of submissions received
Independent submissions |
Pro forma submissions |
Pro forma submissions - variations |
Total |
135 |
4,930 |
329 |
5,394 |
Post |
4 |
0 |
0 |
4 |
Online form |
26 |
0 |
0 |
26 |
Referral |
1 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Total |
166 |
4,930 |
329 |
5,425 |
The EPA is committed to open and transparent public consultation processes. Steps have been taken to remove the personal information of authors and identifying information where appropriate. In some cases, an author did not consent to the publication of their name or requested that their name be withheld, and these submissions are published under ‘Name withheld’.
The EPA may draw on the contents of the submissions and quote from them or refer to them in publications, although copyright and the views expressed in the submissions remain those of the individual author or organisation. The submissions do not represent the views of the EPA.
- Alison Salmons (PDF 50 KB)
- Alistair Doole (PDF 23 KB)
- Ann Sharp (PDF 20 KB)
- Bellingen Environment Centre (PDF481 KB)
- BirdLife Northern NSW (PDF 64 KB)
- Bob Harris (PDF 99 KB)
- Boomerang Bags Bega Valley Sapphire Coast (PDF 174 KB)
- Boral Timber (PDF 96 KB)
- Bronte Somerset (PDF 925 KB)
- Caldera Environment Centre Inc (PDF 626 KB)
- Chipstop Campaign Against Woodchipping (PDF 25 KB)
- Chris Maltby (PDF 140 KB)
- Claire Bettington (PDF 110KB)
- Clarence Environment Centre (PDF 749 KB)
- Colong Foundation for Wilderness Ltd (PDF 566 KB)
- David Gallan (PDF 314 KB)
- Don White (PDF 145 KB)
- Dunns Creek Resident Action Group (PDF 149 KB)
- Environmental Defenders Office NSW (PDF 6149 KB)
- Evan Christen (PDF 33 KB)
- Frank Dennis (PDF 110 KB)
- Friends of Ku-ring-gai Environment Inc (PDF 109 KB)
- Friends of the Koala (PDF 51 KB)
- Friends of the Pilliga (PDF 9 KB)
- Geoff Bell (PDF 21 KB)
- Geoff Robertson (PDF 34 KB)
- Heather Kenway (PDF 66 KB)
- Helen Coltman (PDF 52 KB)
- Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Greens (PDF 85 KB)
- Humane Society International Australia (PDF 302 KB)
- Hurfords Hardwoods Pty Ltd (PDF 52 KB)
- Jamax Forest Solutions (PDF 17652 KB)
- Jennifer Severn (PDF 20 KB)
- Jervis Bay Regional Alliance (PDF 521 KB)
- Jim Morrison (PDF 92 KB)
- Jo Dodds (PDF 55 KB)
- Joel Little (PDF 43 KB)
- John Jeayes (PDF 51 KB)
- Kim Taysom (PDF 28 KB)
- Ku-ring-gai Bat Conservation Society Inc (PDF 3057 KB)
- Lane Cove Bushland and Conservation Society (PDF 103 KB)
- Lexie Hurford (PDF 77 KB)
- Lisa Brown (PDF 21 KB)
- Local Environment Solutions (PDF 457 KB)
- Lois Katz (PDF 85 KB)
- Lorraine Vass (PDF 34 KB)
- Lyn Orrego (PDF 1941 KB)
- Maija Dravnieks (PDF 18 KB)
- Marg McLean (PDF 22 KB)
- Maria Purnell (PDF 69 KB)
- McKinnells Pty Ltd (PDF 2873 KB)
- Michael Whatman (PDF 173 KB)
- Mountain Districts Association (PDF 35 KB)
- Murray MacDonald and Catherine Griff (PDF 68 KB)
- Nambucca Valley Conservation Association (PDF 161 KB)
- Name withheld (1) (PDF 23 KB)
- Name withheld (2) (PDF 56 KB)
- Name withheld (3) (PDF 8 KB)
- Name withheld (4) (PDF 72 KB)
- Name withheld (5) (PDF 72 KB)
- Name withheld (6) (PDF 51 KB)
- Name withheld (7) (PDF 20 KB)
- Name withheld (8) (PDF 44 KB)
- Name withheld (9) (PDF 16 KB)
- Name withheld (10) (PDF 188 KB)
- Name withheld (11) (PDF 1747 KB)
- Name withheld (12) (PDF 786 KB)
- Name withheld (13) (PDF 46 KB)
- Name withheld (14) (PDF 64 KB)
- Name withheld (15) (PDF 24 KB)
- Name withheld (16) (PDF57 KB)
- Name withheld (17) (PDF 88 KB)
- Name withheld (19) (PDF 18 KB)
- Name withheld (20) (PDF 28 KB)
- Name withheld (21) (PDF 24 KB)
- Name withheld (22) (PDF 78 KB)
- National Parks Association Milton Electorate (PDF 35 KB)
- National Parks Association of NSW & Nature Conservation Council of NSW (PDF 872 KB)
- National Parks Association of NSW (PDF 8045 KB)
- National Parks Association of NSW Hunter Branch (PDF 2398 KB)
- National Timber Councils Association (PDF 158 KB)
- Nativesrule (PDF 5954 KB)
- New England Greens Armidale Tamworth (PDF 9 KB)
- Nick Hopkins (PDF 115 KB)
- North Coast Environment Council (PDF 295 KB)
- North East Forest Alliance (PDF 109432 KB)
- Northern Zone Hunting Club (Inc) (PDF16 KB)
- NSW Apiarists Association (PDF 65 KB)
- NSW Bush Carers (PDF 1253 KB)
- Paula Flack (PDF 128 KB)
- Peter Morris (PDF 60 KB)
- Phil Jones (PDF 48 KB)
- Pitt Street Uniting Church (PDF 1324 KB)
- Rebecca Bishop (PDF 338 KB)
- Rebecca Blunden (PDF 24 KB)
- Richard Barcham (PDF 23 KB)
- Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society (PDF 337 KB)
- Sally Fryer (PDF 47 KB)
- Sean Burke (PDF 2026 KB)
- South East Forest Rescue (PDF 1440 KB)
- South East Forest Rescue (2) (PDF 8 KB)
- South East Timber Assocation (PDF 263 KB)
- SP & HM Pope Logging Pty Ltd (PDF 468 KB)
- Stephanie Knox (PDF 44 KB)
- Tamworth Greens (PDF 26 KB)
- Timber NSW (PDF 841 KB)
- Wendy Grealy (PDF 17 KB)
First 5-yearly review
The first 5-yearly review of the NSW RFAs covered the five-year period from the signing of each of the RFAs.
In 2009, a Draft Report on Progress with Implementation of the New South Wales RFAs (PDF 2.5MB) was placed on public exhibition.
An independent assessor reviewed the draft report and public submissions and produced the Final Report on Progress with Implementation of NSW Regional Forest Agreements: Report of Independent Assessor (PDF 444KB), which was tabled in the Australian Parliament on 15 March 2010.
The Joint Australian and New South Wales Government Response to the Final Report on Progress with Implementation of the NSW Regional Forest Agreements: Report of the Independent Assessor (PDF 2.3MB) was tabled in the House of Representatives of the Australian Parliament on 30 October 2014.