Statement of business ethics
Our statement of business ethics provides guidance for the business sector, industry, other government agencies and non-government organisations when doing business or in any dealings with the EPA.
It outlines our ethical values and what we expect of ourselves, other organisations and individuals when we interact with each other.
Our key business principles
The principles of environmentally sustainable practices and value for money are the basis of our business relationships with organisations supplying goods and services. In determining true value for money, we consider all relevant factors, including cost, quality, reliability, sustainability, experience and timeliness.
We aim to ensure that all our business relationships are honest, ethical, fair and consistent. Our business dealings are transparent and open to public scrutiny as appropriate.
We are committed to the purchase of goods and services through competitive tendering and pre-qualified suppliers.
Our commitment
We will ensure that our policies, procedures and practices related to leasing, hiring, tendering, contracting, licensing, sponsorships, commercial partnerships or alliances, and the purchase of goods or services are consistent with best practice, Government policies and the highest standards of ethical conduct. Our staff are bound by the our EPA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct (PDF 502KB).
When doing business with an organisation, our staff are accountable for their actions and are expected to:
- use public resources effectively and efficiently
- deal fairly, honestly and ethically with all individuals and organisations
- avoid any conflicts of interest – whether actual, potential or perceived.
Our procurement activities are guided by the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework, government contracts and the following core business principles:
- potential suppliers will be treated fairly and impartially and given appropriate access to information and opportunities to submit bids
- procurement activities and decisions will be fully and clearly documented to provide an effective audit trail and to allow for effective scrutiny and performance review of contracts
- environmental sustainability, including environmentally friendly products
- the EPA will not improperly disclose confidential or proprietary information.
What we ask of you
We require all providers of goods and services and the organisations and individuals we regulate to observe these principles when doing business and interacting with us:
- assist us to prevent unethical practices in our business relationships
- comply with our procurement policies and procedures
- declare actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest
- act ethically, fairly and honestly in all dealings
- do not offer EPA employees any inducements, gifts, benefits or hospitality
- value the contributions of Aboriginal people
- prevent disclosure of confidential EPA information and comply with privacy legislation
- refrain from discussing EPA business or information with the media
- comply with all on-site work health and safety requirements
- deliver quality and value for money
- provide accurate and reliable advice and information
- respect the environment, comply with environmental laws and act sustainably in using resources and managing waste
- use EPA equipment and resources only for authorised purposes relating to work for EPA.
Why is compliance important?
Corrupt or unethical conduct could lead to:
- termination of contracts
- termination of business relationships and partnerships
- loss of future work
- loss of reputation
- investigation for corruption
- referral for criminal investigation.
Incentives, gifts, benefits and hospitality
In general, EPA staff do not accept gifts offered to them in the course of their work. This includes cash or other monetary equivalents, gift vouchers, benefits including shares, travel or hospitality. You should not offer these incentives to EPA staff. Offers of gifts, benefits or hospitality to EPA employees are declared and recorded in our Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Register. Offers (other than light refreshment) should be politely declined unless doing so would cause offence.
Contingent labour
All contractors and sub-contractors are expected to comply with the our Statement of Business Ethics. If you employ sub-contractors in your work for the EPA, you must make them aware of this statement and our expectation that they will abide by it.
Intellectual property rights
In business relationships with the EPA, parties must respect each other's intellectual property rights, formally negotiate any access, licence or use of intellectual property and adhere to the specific requirements of copyright laws and individual contracts.
All EPA information should be treated as confidential unless it is already publicly available or its use or disclosure is clearly authorised.
Conflicts of interest
All EPA staff are required to declare any actual, perceived or potential conflicts of interest, including for example personal relationships between EPA employees and staff of an organisation with which we conduct business.
Sponsorship may be appropriate if the activity directly contributes to government’s priorities, directly aligns with EPA strategic objectives and does not create inappropriate conflict.
Sponsorship proposals are evaluated in line with our Sponsorship Policy.
Secondary and post-separation employment of our staff
Our staff require prior written approval from the CEO or delegate to accept secondary employment outside the EPA.
Former staff have ongoing confidentiality obligations, including not disclosing the EPA’s intellectual property.
Contact us
Any concerns about a possible breach of our business and ethical standards or a breach by an EPA employee of the EPA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct (PDF 502KB) should be reported to the Director, Governance, Risk and Planning EPA, to:
The Environment Protection Authority,
Locked Bag 5022 Parramatta NSW 2124
Phone 131 555 (Environment Line)
Email: [email protected]