Consulting Radiation Expert application fees, forms and renewals

Accreditation fees

The accreditation fee can be calculated by using tables 1, 2 or 3 below.


  1. A simple application/variation is one where the applicant meets all the qualification criteria and supplies all relevant documentation.
  2. Applications sent to the Radiation Advisory Council (RAC) are usually complex, e.g. where there may be no existing criteria set for gaining an accreditation.
  3. Please note: a credit card payment fee of 0.4% applies.

Accreditation application fees

Accreditation fees for a new application: $527

Non-Standard (complex) application fees​

When an application is referred to the Radiation Advisory Council an additional fee of $263 applies.

Renewal of accreditation fees

Accreditation renewal fee: $395 Accreditation renewal (1 year)

Variation of accreditation fees

Accreditation variation fees: $132 Simple variation


Use eConnect EPA to apply for an accreditation online.

Applicants who can demonstrate that they meet the necessary criteria and have provided all required documentation and the application fee will usually have their application approved within seven working days.