Receiving facilities’ tracking responsibilities
Receiving facilities are businesses such as landfills, transfer stations or treatment plants that receive, process or store waste. They are responsible for ensuring that hazardous waste is tracked and received in accordance with Part 4 of the POEO (Waste) Regulation 2014.
You may need a NSW environment protection licence (EPL) to receive hazardous waste under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, Schedule 1, clauses 39–42.
You can apply for an EPL online via eConnect EPA.
If you cannot apply online using eConnect EPA, or you require a licence variation, transfer or surrender, download the application form.
Accepting and rejecting waste
You can accept a load of hazardous waste, provided an EPL permits you to do so, or reject it.
You have up to 21 days after the waste arrives to decide whether to accept or reject it. In this time, you can obtain samples, perform tests or request further documentation. If you need more time to make a decision (e.g. you are waiting on test results), email [email protected] to request an extension.
If you decide to reject the waste, you must
- advise the waste transporter to take the waste to a nominated receiving facility that is licensed to accept it, or return it to the waste consignor
- notify the EPA within 3 working days of rejecting the waste on the online waste tracking system, by emailing [email protected] or by contacting Environment Line on 131 555
If you accept the waste, mark your acceptance on the transport certificate (TC).
Any subsequent transport of the waste from your facility must be treated as a new consignment of waste, and have a new TC and a relevant consignment authorisation (CA).
Creating consignment authorisations
If you hold an EPL, you can create CAs in the online waste tracking system. You can only create CAs for types of waste you are permitted to receive in accordance with your EPL.
If you do not require an EPL under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997, but need to create CAs, email [email protected] with the details of your receiving facility.
Checking and completing consignment authorisations and transport certificates
When waste arrives with a CA and TC, you must
- check that the CA for the waste is valid
- obtain and complete the relevant sections of the TC
- ensure you are legally able to accept the waste
- notify the waste consignor, within 14 days of accepting or rejecting the waste, of your decision
If waste arrives without a CA or TC, you may still accept the waste if you are licensed to store, treat or dispose of it.
If the waste arrives without a valid CA, and you accept it, you must notify the EPA within 3 working days of accepting it.
If the waste arrives without a TC, you must
- generate and complete to the extent possible a TC
- notify NSW EPA within 3 working days of the waste arriving
If the waste arrives with a TC that does not match the waste, including quantity or type, you can accept or reject the waste, then notify the EPA of what is inaccurate.
If a waste load arrives at a receiving facility and the transporter recorded on the TC differs from the actual transporter, you must record the discrepancy.
Notify the EPA about waste transport discrepancies.
Creating consignment authorisations and transport certificates when there is no online tracking access
If online waste tracking is not available when you need to create a CA:
- Record the details of the CA elsewhere and allocate a temporary CA number: the format is up to you, but try to make it unique by, for example, starting the number with your EPL number, so if your licence number is 8999, the temporary CA number could be 8999-0001.
- Record the temporary CA number on any paper TC created while the system is unavailable.
When the system is available, create a CA to replace the temporary CA. Record the system-generated CA number on any paper TCs received which contained the temporary CA number.
If the online system is not available to create or print a TC, record the details of the waste movement on a piece of paper, including signatures. This temporary paper TC should accompany the waste when transported.
When the system becomes available, create a TC for each temporary paper TC received and record pick-up, arrival and other details as usual.
If the temporary paper TC which accompanied the waste during transport contains the necessary details and signatures, it can be kept as the 'legal' TC, provided the system-generated CA and TC numbers are recorded on it.
If the online system is not available when the waste is picked up and received but a TC has been created in the system and a paper copy has been printed, record pick-up, arrival and other details on the paper TC and enter these into the online system when it becomes available.
- If you are using the online waste tracking system, the system automatically retains all records of transactions completed online.
- If you are not using the online waste tracking system, you must keep copies of waste records, including printed TCs, and notices and reports submitted to the EPA, for at least 4 years.
If you are a receiving facility also acting as an authorised agent, find out about your responsibilities.