Reducing motor vehicle emissions

Learn how the the EPA and NSW Government regulate and work to reduce emissions and air pollution from vehicles.

The EPA regulates emissions from motor vehicles and vehicle fuel under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation

Part 4 of the regulation covers motor vehicles and Part 8 covers motor vehicle fuels (petrol).

In NSW, it is an offence for vehicles to emit excessive levels of air pollution

EPA programs and initiatives

Smoky vehicles

The smoky vehicle enforcement program aims to reduce vehicle emissions to air by ensuring owners properly maintain their vehicles. A smoky vehicle is any motor vehicle that emits visible smoke continuously for over 10 seconds. Advisory letters or defective vehicle notices can be sent to owners of smoky vehicles requiring them to service or repair their vehicles. For more detailed information and online reporting forms, go to the smoky vehicles webpages.

Prescribed anti-pollution devices

Vehicles must also be fitted with anti-pollution devices. This includes technology like catalytic converters and particulate filters that help reduce the amount of air pollution released by a vehicle’s engine.

Approved methods for the sampling and analysis of air pollutants in NSW

These are the methods to be used for sampling and analysing air pollutants for statutory purposes. They cover pollutants in emissions from stationary sources, including continuous monitoring of such emissions; pollutant emissions from motor vehicles; components in, and properties of, petroleum products; and pollutants in ambient air.

Summer petrol volatility limits and vapor recovery at service stations

The Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation imposes requirements and standards on the supply of petrol. This includes placing limits on the volatility of petrol sold during the summer petrol volatility period (1 November – 31 March) in the Greater Metropolitan Area and the mandatory installation of vapour recovery equipment at petrol stations. This helps reduce the amount of VOC emissions from vehicles in NSW. See the vapour recovery webpage for more information.

Vehicle idling

Vehicle idling occurs when a vehicle’s engine is running while it is parked or not moving and can impact the environment, human health, and your wallet. See the vehicle idling webpage for more information.

Government initiatives to reduce emissions from vehicles

The NSW Government has developed a range of initiatives to reduce vehicle emissions, including specific actions under the NSW Clean Air StrategyNSW Electric Vehicle Strategy and the NSW Future Transport Strategy. This includes

  • incentivising the uptake of electric and low-emissions vehicles, supporting charging infrastructure, and improving consumer information
  • providing motorists with the option to offset their vehicles' carbon emissions during vehicle registration.
  • advocating for improved vehicle emission and fuel standards and strengthened fuel efficiency standards that apply to all vehicles in Australia.
  • helping prospective vehicle buyers consider the environmental impact and running costs of over 16,000 vehicle makes and models through the Vehicle Emissions Star Rating (VESR) system.

See Transport for NSW for more information

Tools, resources and other information

See these useful resources and tools to help reduce your vehicle emissions