Wil-gai monitoring station

The Wil-gai monitoring station is located east of Boggabri in the centre of the Namoi region. This station monitors PM2.5 and PM10. Site is representative of ambient air quality conditions at Boggabri and rural residences in the area.

Monitoring station name Wil-gai
Latitude (degrees) -30.735108
Longitude (degrees) 150.198907
Easting (m) 231,803
Northing (m) 6,596,402
Site elevation (m) TBC





Due to a major technical fault of the instrument in use the following data is not available

-          PM2.5 between 12/04/2023 and 02/07/2023 and

-          PM10 between 28/06/2023 and 02/07/2023

Due to a power outage, the data was invalid from 1am 17/11/2023 - 5pm 22/11/2023.

Due to being struck by lightning, there was no data available from 7:00am 16/12/2023 - 6:00pm 19/12/2023.


*** Data between 8/12/2022 and 21/12/22, and intermittently between 22/12/22 and 15/01/23, is invalid due to abnormal operational issues with the instrument. It was resolved on 18/01/23.
** Data between 28/9/22 and 2/10/22 is invalid due to an instrument fault. The issue was rectified on 2/10/22.

* The Wil-gai monitor shows several days' of negative values between 02/02/2022 and 06/02/2022. After routine testing by a technician, the cause was determined to be heavy rainfall during that period.



* Note: A mechanical error caused high amount of invalid results to be returned between 14/12/2020 and 22/12/2020. This was rectified on 22/12/2020.


Please note that from the beginning of 2019, air quality data will be presented in a single consolidated spreadsheet for each month to make the data easier to access and view. The spreadsheet for the current month will be overwritten with an updated version each week to present the most available up to date data possible.

*Note: Following a power failure at 5pm on 30 April 2019, an instrument fault occurred which rendered the data recorded unreliable. The monitor was visited by a technician and the issue rectified on the 8 May 2019. Data recorded during this time period has all been treated as invalid.

**Note: High variability in PM2.5 results for the period 1 June to 4 June was investigated by a technician who attended the station on 04-06-2019 and rectified the issue.

2018 data

2017 data