Coal washery rejects levy

Under section 88 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act), occupiers of certain facilities are required to pay a contribution in respect of each tonne of waste received at the facility. The Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014 specifies different contributions based on waste type and location of generation or disposal.

The coal washery rejects levy applies to each tonne of coal washery rejects that is received from off-site and applied to land. Coal washery rejects are wastes resulting from washing coal, including substances such as coal fines, soil, sand, and rock. The coal washery rejects levy is adjusted annually according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The levy payment calendar for coal washery rejects provides details about levy periods and due dates for payment reports.

Emplacement of coal washery rejects can involve the clearing of native vegetation and the use of virgin land for disposal this waste. The purpose of the coal washery rejects levy is to stimulate improved environmental management of coal waste by making disposal more expensive (i.e. to provide an economic incentive for mine operators to develop alternatives to disposal).

The Coal Washery Rejects Levy Operational Guidance Note (PDF 60KB) provides details about the operation of the levy.

Exemptions from the coal washery rejects levy

Exemptions from the levy may be available in certain circumstances with approval from the EPA. Two general exemptions have been approved by the EPA for reuse of coal washery rejects in off-mine fill applications and to rehabilitate a coal mine void.

The Guidelines on Resource Recovery Exemptions provide an assessment framework and application structure for any person applying to the EPA for a resource recovery exemption. Proponents are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposal with the EPA prior to commencing work on an application.

For any queries, or to discuss your proposal, please contact the EPA's Environment Line on 131 555.