Nambucca Valley sewage overflows

Nambucca Valley Council has historically experienced overflows from their sewage reticulation system particularly during wet weather events. The sewage reticulation systems require significant assessment and capital works to reduce the number of overflows which can impact water quality in the Nambucca River.

The EPA continues to use its suite of regulatory tools including a Pollution Reductions Program (PRP) requiring Council to assess and repair the sewage reticulation system as well as prevention notices to improve response procedures during overflow events. Council has been receptive to these programs and notices and continues to work with us to improve their system and ensure their response to incidents are in accordance with relevant guidelines.

An interagency working group has been established which consists of the NSW EPA, NSW Shellfish Program (NSW Food Authority), Department of Primary Industries – Fisheries, Public Works, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) – Water, Nambucca Valley Council and DCCEEW Environment and Heritage Group. The working group meets quarterly to discuss the issues and progress being made to Council and identify opportunities for improvement. The working group also meets with external stakeholders to discuss the ongoing work between government and Council and allow open communication about progress and challenges.

During 2023 the EPA and Council undertook a water quality monitoring program. The results obtained from this monitoring program are being used to establish baseline data to inform future sewer modelling. The data is also being used to better understand pressures that may be impacting Nambucca River and informing actions to be taken across government to improve water quality in the area. Please contact [email protected] for laboratory testing reports or visit the Nambucca Valley Council website.