Determinations and exemptions

Information about determinations in place and when exemptions can be issued.

We can make determinations on the way certain dangerous goods may or may not be transported, and determinations relating to the use of specific routes or vehicles.

Determinations relating to roll stability of tank trailers used to transport dangerous goods

In 2014, we made two determinations that required roll stability systems to be fitted to all heavy vehicle tank trailers in NSW. Since 19 August 2022, these requirements have been applied by Part 6, Division 2 of the Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) Regulation 2022.


We can issue exemptions from certain parts of the dangerous goods laws or the ADG Code where an applicant can demonstrate

  1. It is not reasonably practicable to comply with the provisions of the legislation
  2. The exemption will not result in any increased risk to the environment, human health or property; and
  3. The exemption will not cause unnecessary administrative or enforcement difficulties

If an exemption is required to apply outside of NSW, the EPA will work with the applicant to extend the exemption nationally through the Competent Authorities Panel.