Act of grace payment register

This register sets out the statutory act of grace payments made in the past five years by the EPA and approved by the Minister for the Environment or the Minister for Climate Change, or predecessors, or the Minister’s delegate, under section 5.7 of the Government Sector Finance Act 2018.

Recipient name and address The EPA considers this information to be personal information as defined in s 4 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) and so has been excluded from the register.
Payment amount $22,000
Payment date 2 November 2023
Special circumstances for payment Compensation for special contractual circumstances.
Delegate Chief Executive Officer of the EPA
Terms and conditions of payment That the recipient enters into a deed of agreement with the EPA and complies with its terms and conditions.

Recipient name and address The EPA considers this information to be personal information as defined in s 4 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) and so has been excluded from the register.
Payment amount $48,000
Payment date 15 June 2023
Special circumstances for payment The EPA considers this information to be personal information as defined in s 4 of the PPIP Act and so has been excluded from the register.
Delegate Chief Executive Officer of the EPA
Terms and conditions of payment N/A

Recipient name

Nambucca Valley Council
(ABN 71 323 535 981)

Recipient address

44 Princess Street
Macksville NSW 2447

Payment amount


Payment date


Special circumstances for payment

  1. The recipient’s actual and potential financial circumstances relating to the EPA’s decision not to approve Biomass Solutions (Coffs Harbour) Pty Ltd as a scheduled waste facility for the purpose of the waste levy exemption for Mixed Waste Organic Outputs under cl 21 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014 for 2 May 2021 to 1 May 2022, and
  2. The cost of transitioning the recipient’s local community to more sustainable resource recovery outcomes.

Payment approver

Matthew Kean MP
Minister for Energy and Environment

Financial delegation for approval


Terms and conditions of payment

  1. That the recipient will enter into a deed of agreement with the EPA and comply with its terms and conditions, and
  2. That the entire payment is put towards purposes associated with achieving more sustainable resource recovery outcomes in the Nambucca Valley and/or Bellingen Shire Local Government Areas.

Recipient name

Bellingen Shire Council
(ABN 26 066 993 265)

Recipient address

33 Hyde Street, Bellingen NSW 2454

Payment amount


Payment date


Special circumstances for payment

  1. The recipient’s actual and potential financial circumstances relating to the EPA’s decision not to approve Biomass Solutions (Coffs Harbour) Pty Ltd as a scheduled waste facility for the purpose of the waste levy exemption for Mixed Waste Organic Outputs under cl 21 of the Protection of the Environment Operations (Waste) Regulation 2014 for 2 May 2021 to 1 May 2022, and
  2. The cost of transitioning the recipient’s local community to more sustainable resource recovery outcomes.

Payment approver

Matthew Kean MP
Minister for Energy and Environment

Financial delegation for approval


Terms and conditions of payment

  1. That the recipient will enter into a deed of agreement with the EPA and comply with its terms and conditions; and
  2. That the entire payment is put towards purposes associated with achieving more sustainable resource recovery outcomes in the Nambucca Valley and/or Bellingen Shire Local Government Areas.