Radiation licence/accreditation applications

Apply for, or renew, a radiation licence or accreditation online.

Are you a worker from interstate? From 1 December 2022, if you hold a valid and current radiation licence or registration in another state or territory (besides Queensland), you may be entitled to work in NSW under automatic mutual recognition (AMR). If eligible for AMR, you may no longer need to apply for, or renew, a NSW radiation licence or accreditation but will need to notify the EPA of your intention to work in NSW.

Find out more about automatic mutual recognition and if you are eligible.


Please print out the form(s) you need, fill in, sign, and email to [email protected] or mail to

The Regulatory and Compliance Support Unit
NSW Environment Protection Authority
Locked Bag 5022
Parramatta NSW 2124

For any enquiries please contact the Regulatory and Compliance Support Unit on 9995 5700 or at [email protected].

Radiation user licence

You can apply for or renew a radiation user licence online using eConnect.

Apply for a Radiation user licence online

Renew your Radiation user licence online

Change your contact details

eConnect allows you to change your details including your address, phone number and email. You will be asked to provide your name and email address to register with eConnect in order to change your details. If your email address does not match the one attached to your licence in our licensing system you must contact the EPA to confirm your new email address.

Application to vary a radiation user licence

Vary your radiation user licence online

Application to have a course assessed for radiation user licensing purposes

Applicants from interstate or New Zealand

If you are a worker from interstate and hold a radiation user licence in your home state/territory, find out if you are eligible to work in NSW under the automatic mutual recognition (AMR) scheme. If you are not eligible or do not want to rely on AMR, you may be able to apply for, or renew, a NSW radiation user licence under the existing mutual recognition scheme.

If you hold a New Zealand occupational licence or registration, you may be able to apply under mutual recognition.

Radiation management licence

You can apply for or renew a radiation management licence online using eConnect.

Apply for a Radiation management licence online

Renew, notify change of source, sale, give away or vary management licence online

To apply for approval to dispose regulated material see Disposal of radiation apparatus, radioactive substances (sealed and unsealed) and sealed source devices.

Note: existing radiation management licence holders will receive a login and instructions with their renewal notice.

Consulting Radiation Expert

You can apply for accreditation as a consulting radiation expert online using eConnect.

Apply for a Radiation accreditation online

Renew or update a Radiation accreditation online

Contact the Regulatory and Compliance Support Team to obtain certificates of compliance for use by consulting radiation experts (CREs) accredited under the Protection from Harmful Radiation Act 1990 to assess radiation apparatus for the purpose of certifying compliance with the requirements of EPA Radiation Guideline 6.

CREs must only use certificates of compliance approved by the EPA for reporting compliance.

Applicants from interstate or New Zealand

If you are registered in an equivalent occupation in another state or territory or New Zealand, you may be entitled to apply to the EPA for a NSW CRE accreditation under the existing mutual recognition scheme.

Note: CRE accreditation is currently exempt from the automatic mutual recognition scheme in NSW.

Radiation security assessor

You can apply for accreditation as a radiation security assessor by completing an online form:

Applicants from interstate or New Zealand

If you are a worker from interstate and hold an equivalent occupational registration in your home state/territory, find out if you are eligible to work in NSW under the automatic mutual recognition (AMR) scheme. If you are not eligible or do not want to rely on AMR, you may be able to apply for, or renew, a NSW radiation security assessor accreditation under the existing mutual recognition scheme.

If you hold a New Zealand occupational licence or registration, you may be able to apply under mutual recognition.