Recycling and reuse

Not everything needs to go to landfill – there are many ways we can reuse and recycle. The EPA leads efforts in NSW to increase recycling, by people, businesses, and governments. Learn about our programs and have your say on our plans.

Discover the EPA's programs and initiatives designed to increase recycling and reduce waste in NSW.
Circular economy is about changing the way we produce, assemble, sell and use products to minimise waste, and to reduce our environmental impact. The circular economy can also be great for business; by maximising the use of our valuable resources, and by contributing to innovation, growth and job creation.
Reducing waste generation and keeping materials circulating within the economy are priorities for NSW. To meet this challenge, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) prepares a new Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Strategy every five years.
Information about the NSW Government's transition from the Waste Less, Recycle More initiative to new funding opportunities guided by the Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041: Stage One.
Earn money while you help our environment with Return and Earn. You can get a 10-cent refund when you return an eligible drink container to one of over 600 return points across NSW. Find out which containers you can return, and where you can drop them off.
Recycling starts at home. Learn how to prevent food waste and recycle in unexpected ways, and explore the convenient services available for disposing of problem wastes like paint cans, batteries, and fluoro lights.
We work with businesses and government to reduce waste, improve recycling and reduce our impact on the environment.