Report illegal dumping - RIDonline

How to report illegal dumping.


Is the dumped waste an emergency? Does it include toxic fumes or a large chemical spill? Call 000 and report it immediately.

Is the dumped waste an immediate threat to human health or the environment?

Call EPA Environment Line on 131 555.

Examples of waste that can threaten human health or the environment

Asbestos roofing illegally dumped in the Gardens of Stone National Park
Asbestos roofing illegally dumped in the Gardens of Stone National Park
Toxic chemicals in a drum on plastic wrapping
Toxic chemicals


For all other illegally dumped waste report it via RIDonline, the EPA’s online reporting service.

When you report illegal dumping, you help the EPA and local council

  • protect human health and the environment
  • detect and penalise dumpers
  • find and clean up dumped waste
  • identify dumping hot spots so we can develop strategies to prevent this behaviour in future in your local area

Watch the video to find out how to report illegal dumping through RIDonline

To report dumping

  • visit RIDonline with your smartphone, tablet or computer and upload a picture of the dumped waste
  • provide the address of the incident using the GPS on your device or select the location on the provided map
  • describe the type of dumped waste
  • submit your report

RIDonline is a database used by councils and government agencies across NSW to record and manage illegal dumping incidents.

When you report via RIDonline, the relevant local council is sent an email alert about the incident so they can respond. To follow up on a report, call the council.

Find out more about ways in which the EPA is working to clean-up and prevent illegal dumping.

RIDonline Private for government agencies

RIDonline Private allows agencies to record and manage illegal dumping incidents, and map and report on trends. The private system enables agencies to share information to

  • identify trends across the state and develop a comprehensive view of illegal dumping
  • better understand illegal dumping
  • develop statewide strategies to change behaviour  prompting illegal dumping

To get access to RIDonline Private for your agency

  • complete the registration form (PDF 160KB)
  • return it to [email protected]
  • receive an email with your login and password
  • use the latest version of Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge or Firefox browsers to visit RIDonline Private and login