Tracking asbestos waste using the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution

Asbestos transporters and facilities receiving asbestos waste transported inside NSW weighing 100 kilograms or more, or consisting of 10 square metres or more of asbestos sheeting in one load must track and report this waste to the EPA using the Integrated Waste Tracking Solution (IWTS).

Asbestos waste transporters must register on and use the IWTS​ to track the movement of asbestos. Heavy penalties may apply for not using IWTS or tracking movements in accordance with NSW requirements.

You can find out more about tracking asbestos waste below

Preventing asbestos from harming human health and the environment

Airborne asbestos is a health hazard. Illegal dumping and inappropriate management of asbestos may lead to increased exposure to asbestos fibres.

As a result, the EPA requires the tracking of asbestos waste and monitors the movement of asbestos waste to help to prevent harm to the environment and human health.

Getting started on the IWTS

The IWTS can be accessed from desktop and laptop computers, and internet-connected tablets or smartphones running the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari browsers. For best results, ensure you are using the latest version of your browser.

Prior to using the IWTS you will need to register for the IWTS by following the instructions from the IWTS Help Center on how to register for the IWTS.

To find more information about using the IWTS visit the IWTS Help Center.

Transporter of asbestos waste

For waste tracking purposes the transporter of asbestos waste is:

  • where the transport is for business, the person who carries on the business, or

  • for non-business transport, the individual who undertakes the transport.

The transporter is responsible for moving the waste from pick up location to drop off location, creating the consignment for the asbestos transport, tracking the consignment (IWTS movement) within the IWTS and providing information to the receiver of the waste to show the load of waste has been tracked.

To transport asbestos waste, you must register on the IWTS before you transport asbestos waste. Please note that your registration may take 24 – 48 hours to verify.

If you are a householder and plan to transport your household asbestos to a waste facility yourself, different rules may apply. Please find more information on Dealing with household asbestos.

Receiver of asbestos waste

The receiver of asbestos waste is the occupier of the premises to which a load of waste asbestos is delivered.

The receiver is responsible for receiving the waste, confirming the transport of the asbestos waste has been tracked, and reporting untracked waste movements to the EPA.

To verify asbestos movements have been tracked, you must register on the IWTS. Please note that your registration may take 24 – 48 hours to verify.

To report any untracked movements of waste to the EPA you must use one of the options provided in Guideline 4 of the Asbestos and Waste Tyre Guidelines.

Contact and support

For step-by-step user guides and frequently asked questions, please visit the KPMG Origins Help Centre, including about:

For system (IWTS) related questions and support (e.g. registration and using the IWTS), please contact KPMG at [email protected].

If you have non-system related questions (e.g. about regulatory requirements), please contact us at [email protected].