Applying to use the online waste tracking system

The EPA’s online waste tracking system makes it easier and quicker to transport and track hazardous waste. Once you have determined your level of access, you can complete the application form and gain a user name and password.

Levels of access

There are four levels of access

  • View Only. You will be able to log on and view the progress of any waste transported that you are associated with, but you will not be able to record any data in the system.
  • Create and Update Transport Certificates. You will be able to create transport certificates for waste movements and update the data on transport certificates. You must obtain a valid consignment authorisation before being able to perform this function.
  • Create and Update Consignment Authorisations and Transport Certificates. You will be able to create, edit and update consignment authorisations and transport certificates.
  • Create and Update Liquid Waste Levy. You will be able to use the system to calculate, create and edit invoices for the liquid waste levy.

The level of access you require depends on whether your business produces, transports or receives waste.

Waste producer

Waste producers are businesses such as construction companies and manufacturing industries that produce and wish to dispose of waste. A producer may choose

  • View Only
  • Create and Update Transport Certificates

Waste transporter

Waste transporters are businesses licensed to carry hazardous waste from the producer to the receiving facility.

A transporter may choose

  • View Only
  • Create and Update Transport Certificates

Receiving facility

Receiving facilities are businesses such as landfills, treatment plants and transfer stations that receive, process or store waste. A receiving facility may choose

  • View Only
  • Create and Update Transport Certificates
  •  Create and Update Consignment Authorisations and Transport Certificates
  • Create and Update Liquid Waste Levy

Authorised agent

Authorised agents act on behalf of waste producers and have a written agreement with producers to arrange the movement of load(s) of waste on their behalf.

An authorised agent may choose

  • View Only
  • Create and Update Transport Certificates

Other privileges and restrictions

  • Users may only view, create and update consignment authorisations, transport certificates and reports in which they have a role.
  • Receiving facilities can upload data reports onto the system if they have approval from NSW EPA.
  • Waste producers and authorised agents can create custom transporter lists and download data reports.
  • All businesses can each record data on a transport certificate in which they have a role.

You may require different levels of access if you are involved in more than one type of business, for example, you are an authorised agent and a receiving facility.

Complete the application form

Once you have determined what level of access you require, complete the user application form (DOCX 49KB).

Email the completed form to: [email protected].

You will then be sent an email with your user name and password to log onto the system.

Assistance with using the online waste tracking system

For assistance with using the online tracking system

  • access online help
  • email the EPA at [email protected] and provide your contact name, phone number and email address and a detailed description of the advice you require, or problem you have encountered