Orica Mercury Independent Review communication schedule

August 2013 to June 2015

Activity to be communicated

Stakeholder group

Communication method


SEPT 2013
​Stage One: independent reviewer announced.
Community consultation

  1. Steering panel
  2. Community and community groups, media, local councils
  3. Orica
  1. Email
  2. EPA community pages update, Botany information email group, media release, email to councils
  3. Email



SEPT 2013
Inception meeting, finalising scope

  1. Steering panel
  1. Email/panel meeting


NOV 2013
​Mid-term discussion. Update on progress.

  1. Steering panel
  1. Email/panel meeting


DEC 2013
Draft report review. Input sought from panel.

  1. Steering panel
  1. Email/panel meeting


DEC/JAN 2014
Findings of Stage One: review of information

  1. Steering panel
  2. Community and community groups, media, local councils
  3. Orica
  1. Email/panel meeting
  2. EPA community pages update, Botany information email group, media release, email
  3. Public Information Session (12 February 2014)
  4. Email


NOV 2014
Stage Two: independent sampling specialist engaged and announced

  1. Steering panel
  2. Community and community groups, media, local councils
  3. Orica
  1. Email
  2. EPA community pages update, Botany information email group, media release, email
  3. Email


FEB 2015
Specialist implements sampling regime

  1. Steering panel
  2. Landholders (dependent on sampling locations)
  1. Email
  2. Correspondence

MAR/APR 2015

Interim results released and sampling to begin on private land

  1. Steering panel
  2. Community and community groups, media, local councils
  3. Orica
  1. Email
  2. EPA community pages update, Botany information email group, media release, email
  3. Email

JUN 2015
Findings of sampling regime announced

  1. Steering panel
  2. NSW Health and other agencies, as necessary
  3. Community and community groups, media, local councils
  4. Landholders (dependent on sampling locations)
  5. Orica
  1. Panel meeting, email
  2. Correspondence
  3. EPA community pages update, Botany information email group, media release, email, letters, meetings
  4. Correspondence
  5. Meetings, email

Stage Three and Stage Four: actions will be dependent on recommendations and outcomes of stages one and two

  1. Steering panel
  2. NSW Health and other agencies/experts as necessary
  3. Community and community groups, media, local councils
  4. Orica
  1. Panel meeting, email
  2. Correspondence
  3. EPA community pages update, Botany information email group, media release, email
  4. Meetings, email

* Timeline is subject to change as the review process evolves.