Bushfire-generated green waste clean-up and processing program

Program snapshot

Category: ​Bushfire Recovery Programs

Amounts:​ $31.7 million in funding provided for Bushfire-generated green waste grants over Stream A and B. 

  • Funding Stream A – Data collection initiative
    Provided a flat fee of $10,000 to assess and document the extent of bushfire-generated green waste within your jurisdiction. Additional funding of up to $20,000 per LGA will be considered in cases where:

    (a)     Councils received Stream A funding and the $10,000 was not sufficient to complete the assessment; or

    (b)     Councils did not receive Stream A funding and have still carried out a green waste assessment in order to apply for Stream B funding.

  • Funding Stream B – Clean-up and processing grants 
  • $31.5 million in grants provided to 15 councils to fund clean-up, processing and beneficial reuse of green waste generated by the 2019–20 bushfires.

Contact:​ 131 555 or [email protected]

Status: ​Stream A is completed and successful applicants for Stream B have been announced.

Managed by:​ NSW Environment Protection Authority. This program is funded under the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.


The Bushfire-generated green waste grants program builds on the NSW Government commitment to deliver bushfire recovery assistance to help people and businesses impacted by bushfires. The program's objectives are to

  • assess and document outstanding green waste generated by the 2019–20 bushfires
  • manage the clean-up of outstanding green waste generated by the 2019–20 bushfires
  • provide opportunities to beneficially reuse processed green waste products in bushfire-affected regions
  • provide regional employment opportunities in bushfire-affected communities

Useful documents

Successful applicants

RecipientGrant amount
Richmond ValleyCouncil$968,945
LithgowCity Council$2,161,202
BegaValleyShire Council$7,217,630
KempseyShire Council$716,750
HawkesburyCity Council$1,502,508
WingecarribeeShire Council$4,592,054
CessnockCity Council$566,900
ShoalhavenCity Council$503,585
Snowy ValleysCouncil$7,484,023
WollondillyShire Council$581,055
Blue MountainsCity Council$892,100
Greater HumeCouncil$156,310
Mid-WesternRegional Council$353,000
 Total = $31,500,057

Will you be providing another round of grants after Stream B?

We do not have any further grant rounds planned for this program.