Engagement expectations

At the NSW EPA, we treat everyone with respect. We are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for our staff and the people we interact with and we expect people to behave respectfully and responsibly when engaging with us.

We have zero tolerance for behaviours or incidents that could jeopardise the safety and wellbeing of our staff, wherever they are working. This includes psychological harm resulting from challenging or unreasonable public behaviour.

Our approach

We prioritise our staff’s safety, the safety of their teams and the safety of others.
EPA staff will consider any interaction they consider to be unreasonable and consult with a senior leader to determine the most appropriate way forward.

Our actions may include:

  • reporting the behaviour to the appropriate authority
  • limiting or preventing further contact
  • outlining preferred communication methods and timeframes
  • providing written advice about our response.

Unreasonable behaviour

Unreasonable conduct is defined by the NSW Ombudsman as any behaviour by a person which, because of its nature or frequency, raises substantial health, safety, resource or equity issues for the people involved.

People whose behaviour is unreasonable may display one or more of these characteristics:

  • unreasonable persistence is where excessive or unwarranted correspondence or demands are made by a person for the same outcome or about the same issue
  • unreasonable demands are requests made by a person that are outside the responsibility and/or ability of staff to action or are unattainable
  • unreasonable lack of cooperation, where clear direction has been provided by staff, but the person refuses to accept this direction and continues to engage with staff
  • unreasonable arguments are not based in reason or logic, are incomprehensible, false, inflammatory, trivial and refuse to accept other more reasonable interpretations
  • threatening or offensive behaviours intended to harass, insult, intimidate, belittle or the use of foul or abusive language.

Raising concerns with us

If you are concerned about the way your matter has been handled, you can write to the EPA and we will review it. You can find information on our website on complaints and making a request for review. You can also contact the NSW Ombudsman to discuss your complaint.

Complaints about local government

The EPA does not regulate the general performance of councils or council staff.

If you have concerns regarding council services such as response to complaints, correspondence or matters of fairness, please contact the NSW Ombudsman on 1800 451 524 or online at NSW Ombudsman.

If you’d like to make a complaint regarding the general conduct of a council or its staff,  please contact the Office of Local Government on (02) 4428 4100 or online at Office of Local Government.