Management area map
A map of the Williamtown Management Area showing the three zones, and close-up maps for Williamtown, Fullerton Cove and Salt Ash are available
- Management Area map (PDF 2.5MB)
- Williamtown map (PDF 1.8MB)
- Fullerton Cove map (PDF 2.2MB)
- Salt Ash map (PDF 3.3MB)
Each of the three zones in the Management Area has tailored precautionary advice for residents to minimise exposure to PFAS originating from the RAAF Base.
- Primary Management Zone – this area has significantly higher levels of PFAS detected and therefore, the strongest advice applies.
- Secondary Management Zone – this area has some detected levels of PFAS.
- Broader Management Zone – the topography and hydrology of the area means PFAS detections could occur now and into the future.
Following feedback from the community, the EPA has been working with a group of water experts and the Williamtown Community Reference Group to improve the maps for the various management zones:
- Property boundaries have been overlaid to easily identify individual properties.
- Names of main roads have been included for easy reference
- The three zones within the Management Area are now identified by three shades of blue, representing the concentrations of PFAS detected. This also improves ease of access for visually-impaired people.
The maps are based on many different source of information, including:
- The Defence Human Health Risk Assessment monitoring data (released 5 December 2017)
- The location of drainage lines, creeks and other surface water features
- The height of land above sea level
- The location of property boundaries and roads
- Surface water and groundwater flow information based on actual measured data, and modelled data for where contamination may flow in the future.
The maps also show drains leading from the Primary Management Zone (marked as dark blue arrows) and Moors Drain in the Secondary Management Zone (marked with a blue line). The precautionary advice for the area in which the drain is located applies.