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Contact the media team for all media enquiries during business and after hours. More complex enquiries may take longer to respond to.
Civil contracting company Rahme Civil Pty Ltd (Rahme Civil) has been fined $33,750 by Parramatta Local Court for failing to comply with an EPA clean-up notice and EPA notices for information and records after soil contaminated with asbestos was dumped at a rural property in Fernances Crossing, in the Cessnock area.
Residents in more storm-affected areas across NSW can now dispose of damaged items and storm debris at the tip without paying the waste levy.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is expanding its investigation into the cause of debris balls found along NSW beaches in recent months, following the discovery of more this week.
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is testing ball-shaped debris that has been found on beaches in the Northern Beaches Council area.
Central Coast Council has been ordered to pay a total of $418,562 by the Land and Environment Court for failing to maintain a sewage pipeline which caused a significant water pollution event in Narara Creek near Gosford in April 2023.
Residents in more storm-affected areas across NSW can now dispose of damaged items and storm debris at the tip without paying the waste levy.
The first businesses have been added to a new name and shame register set up by the Minns Labor Government to highlight poor environmental practices.
The NSW Government will take further action in 2025 to tackle the growing risk of battery-related fires, by requiring battery suppliers to participate in mandatory safe disposal and product stewardship of their products.
The NSW Government is warning consumers about the potential dangers of buying poor quality lithium-ion battery powered products as gifts this holiday season, which may pose a fire risk.
More than 12,000 tonnes of soft and hard-to-recycle plastics will soon be diverted from NSW landfills and transformed into valuable materials for local manufacturing every year.
We are seeking feedback on a reporting framework for emissions and recycled materials use in the construction of public infrastructure.
The NSW Government is working to ensure we continue to provide safe drinking water to the people of NSW.
We are seeking feedback from community, industry, business and all interested stakeholders on our proposed actions and timeframes to address unnecessary and problematic plastics.
Contact the media team for all media enquiries during business and after hours. More complex enquiries may take longer to respond to.