Access to information
Most of our information is available on our website, or public registers.
We hold a wide variety of information about our operations, procedures and policies, along with data and other information relating to our functions. Major categories of information include:
- documents such as policies, scientific, technical, research and other reports, environmental guidelines, procedures, manuals, publications, brochures, maps, plans and documents on internal administration of the agency (briefing papers, submissions, correspondence, delegations, memoranda and minutes)
- documents provided to the EPA by members of the public, agencies, businesses, community organisations and other third parties
- information held in hardcopy, electronic, digital, visual and audio form on our website and in our records management system, databases, computer drives, email boxes, intranet, archive storage and in physical forms such as notebooks.
Much of the information we hold is publicly available on our website, free of charge, and includes information in public registers, documents tabled in the NSW Parliament, corporate policies and guidelines, and regulatory policies and guidelines.
Public registers
We are required by law to maintain several public registers. You can access these registers online and search for information about specific companies and specific circumstances or events, such as environmental protection measures and regulatory actions.
Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
The (GIPA Act) gives you the right to access government information unless there is an overriding public interest against its release.