Bin Trim leads the way to engage business in recycling
The NSW EPA has developed and continues to lead the largest business recycling program in Australia with Bin Trim, with 24,000 businesses engaged in the program since its inception in 2014.
Illawarra Childcare Centre. Photo: TVU Productions
Recycling and waste avoidance are simple ways for businesses to save on waste costs and attract more customers. Customers are becoming more environmentally and waste aware and concerned about staff morale.
The EPA has developed, and continues to lead, the largest business recycling program in Australia with Bin Trim. With 24,000 businesses engaged in the program since its inception in 2014, the EPA-funded Bin Trim assessors have contact with more small and medium businesses than any other NSW government agency.
As part of the Waste Less Recycle More initiative, the EPA provides grants to councils, consultancies and waste service providers to undertake visual waste assessments in businesses with up to 400 full time employees. The assessor enters data from the assessment into the Bin Trim App, which generates a tailored Action Plan for the business.
The Bin Trim App generates a tailored action plan. Photo: Republic of Everyone.
The assessor then assists the business to implement actions that reduce waste and increase recycling, including seeking equipment or recycling quotes and providing resources. 70 per cent of a business’ general waste bin can be reused or recycled, such as cardboard, paper and plastic through to food waste.
Overall, the program has assisted businesses to collectively divert a total of over 70,000 tonnes of waste from landfill. Generally, businesses are already recycling a third of their waste when they sign up to the Bin Trim program. Once they’ve completed their Bin Trim journey they’re recycling 50 per cent or more of their waste, an increase of 13 per cent on average.
Horgan’s Furniture’s cardboard shredder. Photo: Republic of Everyone.
Assessors also assist businesses to apply for Bin Trim rebates, which provide up to 50 per cent of the cost of recycling equipment, between $1,000 and $50,000. The rebates provide funding directly to businesses to support equipment and reduction of waste to landfill. Examples of equipment funded are cardboard and plastic balers, source separation bins, polystyrene compactors and compost bins.
Participating businesses are enjoying great benefits like reduced waste transportation costs, increased floor space with the use of balers and composting food waste for re-use in gardens.
Bin Trim Round 3 is currently underway, $5.1 million has been allocated to 16 grantees who are aiming to engage with 6,831 businesses. Half of these have been recruited already and their Bin Trim assessments are underway.