Cleaning up our act to manage plastics and waste into the future
The NSW Government is now seeking feedback on the future of plastics in NSW and a range of options that will help shape the development of how we manage waste over the next 20 years.
Plastics and other waste impacts greatly on our natural environment and human health
The NSW Government is now seeking feedback on the future of plastics in NSW and a range of options that will help shape the development of how we manage waste over the next 20 years.
There is a growing recognition of the impact of plastic on our natural environment and human health and we need a comprehensive and bold response to this important issue.
Over the next 20 years, all waste generated in NSW could increase from 21 million tonnes a year to 31 million tonnes, growing faster than the rate of population growth. If we don’t disrupt this trend and plan for the future, our waste systems will not be able to cope.
Two papers addressing these issues are now available for public and industry comment:
Cleaning Up Our Act: Redirecting the Future of Plastics in NSW is the first step in developing a new, comprehensive approach to plastic use, reuse and disposal in NSW. It addresses our most problematic and prolific single-use plastics and goes further, to holistically tackle the way we think about and use plastics in a circular economy.
The results of this consultation will inform the development of the NSW Plastics Plan that will be released later this year. This plan will help transform how we use and manage plastic in NSW.
The Future for Waste and Resource Recovery in NSW outlines potential directions we can take to shape our future waste recycling system, to deliver new industry and job opportunities and protect our environment and human health.
“The input of our stakeholders on both these papers is vital to ensure our proposed objectives and targets align with community expectations,” Executive Director of Circular Economy and Resource Management, Sanjay Sridher said.
“The vision for the 20-Year Waste Strategy is for the waste system to be sustainable, reliable and affordable as we realise a circular economy.
“This means we will empower NSW businesses, communities and state and local governments to value resources and keep products and materials in use for as long as possible.
“With your help, we can work together to achieve our goal for making NSW a national and global leader in sustainable waste management.”
Have your say
Consultations close on Friday 8 May 2020 at 5pm.